Chapter One

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"Izuku, honey. It's time to wake up. We have meetings to attend." Inko said, walking into her sons massive room

Izuku peeked our from under his velvet covers, his emerald eyes full from exhaustion. "Yes, mother."

"You don't want to go?" She sat down at the edge of his bed, the female Omega releasing soothing pheromones.

Izuku purred, leaning on his mothers shoulder. "No." His voice was small, looking at the empty doorway. "These suitors don't care about me. They only want the riches, mom."

Inko sighed, squatting on the floor. "I know, babyboy. You don't want this. I just... you know how you father thinks about the traditions."


"Is he awake?" A voice said from the hallway, Toshinori walking in. "Hisashi is on the way."

"I'm awake, Sir Toshi." Izuku smiled up at the knight, his blonde hair covering some of his face.

"Good morning, Yagi. Let my husband know Izuku is getting his preparations soon." The female Omega refusing to make eye contact with the blonde Alpha. She sat back on the bed with her son.

"Of course, my queen." He bowed, shooting Izuku a smile. He left the room, closing the door behind him.

"Mom, you shouldn't have married Dad.." Izuku knew the way Hisashi treated his mother was borderline abusive. He treated her like she was below him, simply because she was an Omega. He treated her like dirt.

Sadly, Inko was forcibly marked when Hisashi had went into rut, and she was then impregnated by him.

She doesn't hold any remorse towards Izuku. In fact, he is the only thing she finds pleasant about the whole dreadful outcome. When the two had first met, the Alpha who had originally caught the eyes of Inko Midoriya was none other than Yagi Toshinori.

When Yagi had found out that Inko was marked, and pregnant, he had offered to still be her Alpha. Regardless, if he couldn't mark her physically, he'd always devote himself to her and only her. And she was going to, but once Hisashi threatened to have Yagi's adopted daughter, Eri, executed they knew they couldn't be together.  Yagi loved Inko with all this heart, but he couldn't risk harm coming to his seven year old daughter. Inko loved Yagi as well, and was in the same predicament that Izuku was in— was mated with a man who didn't love her and was only with her for her wealth.

"I didn't want to, Izuku. But I had no choice." She sighed, rubbing her arm. She had gained weight, after turning to eating as a way to cope with a way of depression. "We both agreed it was the safest option. For you and Eri."

"When I become King, I am going to banish him. And rid this rule of only marrying royalty. I-I don't want to do this because..."

"Because you like Katsuki?" Inko smirked, causing the younger Omega to blush.

"M-mom!" Izuku screeched, hiding his face. "I... I do. But he has to be a stupid knight." He frowned, looking at the ground.


"I don't want anyone else but him. But thanks to that mean jerk I can't be with him." Izuku pouted.

"He's still your father, be nice." Inko warned. She never made Izuku kiss Hisashi's ass, for she knew how much Izuku despised him, but she raised him to be respectful for the fear he would try and harm him if he ever said something bold.

"I know, Mom. I just... oh what am I thinking? Kacchan probably doesn't even like me."

"How would you know that?" She asked, pulling out Izuku's outfit for the meet and greet he was dreading.

"It's Kacchan. He doesn't like anyone. He probably only tolerates me because Auntie and Uncle are working for you."

"Not for me. I work with them, Izuku. They're the strategist for our army. I rely on them and they rely on me. But take that aside, even before he could know he was going to be a knight designated for you, he was always protecting you. Or do you not remember that?"

"Apparently not. I don't know what you're talking about." Izuku bit his lip, knowing his mother knew that he, in fact, remembered those events clearly.

"Mhm." She held up a tailored suit, as Izuku began stripping his shirt. "Call it mothers instinct, but that boy cares for you more than words can explain, Izuku."

Suddenly, the door swung open, Hisashi walking inside. "What is taking so damn long?!"

"Nothing, dear. We were just finding an outfit for Izuku, is all." Inko bowed, in an attempt to show submission and hide her fear.

"Tch." Hisashi walked up to the female Omega, pulling her towards him by her arm. "Do you take me for a fool?"

"I-it's true, father!" Izuku said, before freezing. He quickly shut his mouth, looking at the ground, shivers running through his body.

"Did I say you could speak to me?" Hisashi asked, slowly walking towards Izuku. "Do you think you're better than me, Omega?" The Alpha growled.

Izuku awaited for permission to speak. Another growl leaving the lips of his tormentor, and that was the sign he needed. "Of course not, s-sir. I-I just wanted a chance to explain myself. I-I apologize, father."

He pushed Izuku to the ground, Izuku falling uncomfortably on his tailbone. "Speak when spoken to. Need I remind you again, and it shall be a problem." He glanced at his wife, the reason why he was held at such a high power. "Hurry up. The Alphas are here and would want to meet you. Let's get this sorry excuse of an Omega out of here." He gestured towards Izuku with his head, before slamming the door shut.

"A-are you okay, Izuku?" Inko helped her son up, the male Omega wincing in pain. It hurt to stand properly, which would only cause Hisashi to complain about Izuku's 'poor manners' during the meet and greet.

"I'm fine, Mom. Really."

"Curse the gods, Izuku. I asked you to stop doing that. I worry for you!" Inko helped her son change, noticing the bruise beginning to form on his lower back.

"I worry for you too. I have young bones, I'll be okay." Izuku's nineteenth birthday was approaching, and that's why Hisashi was pushing for the male Omega to find a mate as quickly as possible.

Hisashi was from a family who had riches and was wealthy, but no where near as close as Inko. He swore him impregnating and marking Inko was a mistake by his rut coming early, but Inko feels as though he lied about it. He simply wants to marry Izuku to more royalty for the money that will come with it.

"Right. Silly me." She fixed his curly hair, planting a kiss on his cheek. "Let's get this mess over with, okay?"

Izuku sighed. "Only if I can go to the stables afterwards. Master Shouta is going to teach me more about the steeds."

"Very well."

To Be Continued
1179 Words.

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