Chapter Twenty-Four

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Katsuki swung his left arm, cursing as his sword hit the ground, slipping out of his hand clumsily.

He couldn't fight like this.

Katsuki wasn't used to using his left arm, let alone only have one arm to use in general.

"Fucking hell." He kicked the nearby dirt on the ground, his nerves a mess. He sat down on the floor, taking a breather.

Katsuki closed his eyes, pain shooting through his body. He knew he was still healing, and should not be doing any of this, but he couldn't just sit around.

Izuku's smiling face flashed for an instant, he smiled. His green eyes looking at Katsuki with so much love it made Katsuki's heart throb.

How could Katsuki could have been so stupid, to get fucked up enough to allow the shitty League to take his Omega?

"You shouldn't be out here, Bakugo." A voice said from behind him, causing Katsuki to look back, only to see his teacher.

"How's your eye?" Katsuki asked, avoiding the comment by his mentor.

"Eh. As good as a missing eye is going to get." Shouta shrugged, touching the eye patch covering his left eye. When Shouta first got injured, he tried to hide it from Yamada and Shinso in order for them to not panic, but it was impossible.

"Right." Katsuki left it alone, hoping Shouta would leave, instead he heard his sword being unsheathed. Katsuki looked back at his teacher, watching Shouta point the sword at him. "Wha—"

"Get up." Shouta watched Katsuki stand up, picking his sword back up. "You can't stand as if you're using your right hand. That's your first mistake." He swung his sword at Katsuki, the blonde Alpha stumbling backwards. "You have a disadvantage, sure. But you have to use your disadvantage to your advantage."

"This isn't some poetry class or some cheesy shit like that, Aizawa." Katsuki grunted, gaining his footing back and somehow blocking Shouta's sword.

Shouta smirked, and easily swiped his feet under Katsuki's, causing Katsuki to fall back with a curse.

"Tch." Katsuki grimaced, struggling to stand up.

"You want to train when you're still injured. Fine. But that doesn't mean I'll go any easier on you." Shouta stood in front of Katsuki, scowling. "I'm also very worried about Midoriya. We all are. But you can't save him if your dead. You can't kill yourself, trying to save him. How would he feel about that?"

Katsuki stayed silent, using his left arm to cover his eyes. He bit his quivering lip, and tried to hold in his cries. "That anger you have, Bakugo, use that. Use that hatred to get your Omega back. But don't be so reckless about it."

Shouta sat on the floor with Katsuki, patting the Alphas leg as Katsuki continued to lay on the floor. "I'll give you a couple of minutes. Then we start training. Properly. You're not the only one who's going to go in there and save Midoriya."

Katsuki took a deep breath. "Right."

"Breathe, Katsuki." Shouta said, alarming Katsuki seeing as he rarely said his first name. "Get your head straight. We have to sharpen you up."

"I said to turn around."

Izuku shook, his body nude as he looked at the ground. The only thing he had was the collar around his neck, and a gag over his mouth. He was under a light, as many people surrounded the room he was in. They were auctioning him.

Like he was a piece of property.

"He has a nice ass." A girl commented, earning snickers and whistles from other people in the crowd.

"Yes, yes. Very fuckable isn't he?" Another voice said, and Izuku tensed up. He remained looking at the ground, as the black boots came into view. "Look at me, Omega."

Izuku slowly looked up, as Dabi smiled down at him. "If no one buys you... I might just have to keep you all for myself." Dabi spoke in a low voice. "You felt great around my fingers, I can't wait to see how'd you feel around my cock."

Izuku shuddered, hating the night he met Dabi.

The Alpha first came and took Tsuyu, the only person who was willing to talk to him. He hadn't seen her for a couple of nights, before she suddenly was returned. Her lips were swollen, her eyes red from crying. Before Izuku could even ask what happened, Dabi was dragging him off.

Izuku faintly remembers being thrown onto a makeshift bed, he assumed, as Dabi stood in front of him, prying off the little clothes he had left.

Izuku's body wouldn't produce slick, he wasn't aroused. He wasn't happy, or horny, or excited.

He was terrified, and dreaded this.

Dabi had forced his fingers inside of Izuku's entrance, ignoring Izuku's pleads for him to stop. Dabi was getting aroused, hearing Izuku cry out, and even forced his cock into Izuku's mouth. He fucked his mouth, in bliss as Izuku choked and gagged.

Izuku could feel tears threatening to come to his eyes, even remembering it.

But he couldn't cry.

They were deranged and sick— these people enjoyed when people were crying and begging and broken.

And as dirty and broken as Izuku felt, he couldn't give them that satisfaction.

He hoped, oddly enough someone would buy him.

Maybe he could talk the person into giving him back to his Kingdom.

Just maybe—

"Tell him to get on his knees. I want to see how'd he look." A random guy said, mummers of agreement going through the crowd.

"Like a little bitch?" Dabi hinted, causing everyone to laugh. "You heard em. Do it."

Izuku bit down on the gag, mortification and embarrassment eating at him. He couldn't understand how these people could enjoy something as inhumane as this.

"Did I stutter?" Dabi growled, the Alpha becoming ticked off as he watched the Omega stare at a random spot on the ground. Dabi kicked him in his leg, connecting with his knee and a brutal noise being heard as Izuku cried and crumpled on the ground. Dabi sneered, grabbing a handful of Izuku's curls, and felt his cock pulse at the Omega crying looking at his on his knees.

"I want—"

"This one is off limits." Dabi suddenly declared, catching everyone by surprise. A mixture of different emotions resonated through out the room.

"But, you already said the Beta was off limits! Now him, too?!" A girl said, stomping her foot.

"There's plenty of other people here to fuck. Those two caught my eyes. Back off." Dabi growled, pulling Izuku by the collar. "Let's go, Omega."

Izuku whimpered, not even bothering to struggle this time. He knew Dabi would abuse him again, just like last time. It wouldn't even matter.

He was slowly losing his will.

Slowly losing everything he thought he knew.

He just wanted to take Tsuyu, help whoever was still left here and leave. Regardless, what the League is doing is inhumane. No one deserves to be treated like this.

But he wasn't sure how that was going to happen, if Izuku could be dead before that.

To Be Continued
1189 Words

I hope everyone had a great holiday! I love you all! 


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