Chapter Twenty

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"Finally they left." Shindo sighed, looking at the Omega sitting on his bed. Izuku was looking at the floor, mentally preparing himself for whatever was to come.

"Did you enjoy my kiss?" Shindo asked, slowly taking off his shirt, watching the Omega almost in a predatory fashion.

"Answer me." Shindo declared, once Izuku wasn't answering his question.

"What do you want from me?" Izuku asked.

"You were supposed to be my Omega. So act like it." Shindo sat on the edge of the bed, his pants off and his boxers open, his hard cock out to see. "Do what Omegas do best, okay? Omegas get all excited once you show them some dick, eh?"

Izuku stared at Shindo, his heart beating fast.

He smiled. "You're not wrong." Izuku said, slowly crawling onto the floor.

"Hm.. that's right." As Izuku sat on the floor, his legs tucked underneath him, Shindo forcibly grabbed Izuku and kissed him again. This time, Izuku kissed back, even sliding his tongue into Shindo's mouth. "Fuck, you're such a whore. You love dick, don't you?"

As Izuku pulled away from the kiss, and grabbed Shindo's cock in his hand, he smiled, emitting lust pheromones. "All Omegas do." He kissed Shindo's sensitive tip, peering at him through his long lashes.

"Take my dick, baby." Shindo groaned, feeling Izuku's soft lips wrap around his cock. "Just like that." Izuku bobbed his head, up and down, saliva gathering and using his one hand to wrap around the base of Shindo's cock.

"Can I touch myself too?" Izuku panted, his hand already making its way to his ass.

"Stretch yourself for me. Prepare yourself for my dick, you hear?" Shindo threw his head back, his hand resting on Izuku's head.

Big mistake.

Izuku used the hand that was reaching for his entrance, and grabbed the knife hidden in his shoe.

As if he could enjoy this.

As if this was making him happy.

Hearing how Shindo was merely talking about Omegas was enough to make Izuku gag.

Izuku bit down on Shindo's cock, resulting in a blood curling scream from the Alpha. He looked down, and Izuku swiftly jabbed the knife into Shindo's chest, aiming for where his heart would be.

Shindo gasped, his eyes going wide and immediately tried to yank the knife out of his chest, but Izuku twisted it, ensuring his death.

"You....bitch..." Shindo muttered, his breathing becoming ragged as blood spewed from his mouth.

"You were right.." Izuku said, his hands shaking at all the blood he saw. He yanked the knife out of his chest, and wiped it on a nearby blanket. "I did come here to kill you."

Shindo opened his mouth, as if to say something, but the words never came. Shindo's head lolled to the side, blood leaking out of his mouth and his eyes halfway open. His body fell back, allowing him to lay on the bed.

Izuku slowly took a step towards the body of Shindo and put his fingers to Shindo's throat. He held his breath, semi praying for a heartbeat.

Except one never came.

Izuku let out a shaky breath, tears welling in his eyes. He hated Shindo, hated what he did. Hated him for killing Sero.

But he never thought he'd kill a man. 

A sob left his lips, as he bit down on his lips. He couldn't cry right now. He was still in Shindo's territory. His guards could come in any moment.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕠𝕟𝕖 ℙ𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕔𝕖Where stories live. Discover now