Chapter Four

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"Bakugo." Kaminari attempted to wake the Alpha, the Beta scared. He was one of the people who had heard from Kirishima what happened with Izuku.

"Hey dude... you have to wake up." He gently placed his hand on Katsuki's arm, getting ready to shake him, when Katsuki grabbed his hand, startling the poor Beta.

"Don't fucking touch me." Katsuki snarled, his exhausted crimson eyes boring into the yellow ones.

"Hey, man... I get it." Kaminari began slowly, knowing he had to say his next word carefully. "I can't imagine what it would be like to lose someone like that—"

Katsuki suddenly grab Kaminari and pulled closer to him. Their lips were practically touching. "Listen. How would you feel if you loved someone damn near your whole life, just to fucking watch them get hurt by their own family. And then to finally have a chance to love them and then they have to leave."

Kaminari gulped, fear starting to crawl into his body. "I- I would hate it." As Katsuki sneered, Kaminari lowered his eyes, still aware of then being close. "B-but if this is a serious thing, then Bakugo, you have to let him go. T-there's a chance Izuku won't be coming back."

Katsuki looked at the floor, before suddenly planting a kiss on Kaminari's lips. The Beta was taken back and pulled away, his cheeks red. "You said let him go. Help me forget him."

Izuku awoke in an unfamiliar bed.

He sat up, distress pheromones pouring out of him, as Shoto just walked back into the room.

"Hey, hey." The monotone Alpha began, placing the change of clothes down on the bed. "It's alright."

As Izuku held onto Shoto, not turning away from staring into his eyes, Shoto sat down on the bed next to Izuku. "Did you sleep okay?"

"Y-yes." Izuku began, knowing he had slept well. The travel days he took to come here, he knew he hadn't slept. He couldn't, while missing home and his people. "T-thank you."

"No it's okay. It was no big deal." He looked at Izuku before sighing. "What happened?"

Izuku played with his fingers, frowning. "You know my father. How he gets. I'm... I'm sure he knew how I felt about Kacchan. He never wanted us to be together. He had arranged for ball, in order for me to meet other Alphas. But I wasn't interested and I left. And of course... Kacchan was there. He was always there."

"He gave you his pendant?" Shoto asked, looking at the jewelry around Izuku's neck.


"I'm sorry. I wasn't aware who my father happened to be talking about. I.. I feel so bad." Shoto frowned, as knock was heard at the bedroom door. "Come in."

A tall figure walked in, Izuku taken back by the young woman's appearance. She was beautiful. She had long back hair, that was tied loosely tied bun. Her dark eyes held a tenderness, as she held a basket full of clothing, which Izuku assumed it was because she was gathering laundry.

"Hello, Prince." She bowed her head, before turning to Izuku. Her eyes flashed a bit of hurt, looking back and forth between Izuku and Shoto. However, she quickly concealed it. "And hello, to you too. My name is Momo Yaoyorozu, but most people call me Yao-momo."

"Yao-momo, could you please close the door, and step inside?" Shoto asked in a hush tone, as he watched  Momo's face turn into one of confusion. She nodded her head, and gently closed the door behind her. "This here is Izuku Midoriya. I knew him when I was younger."

"H-hello." Izuku mumbled. "Y-you're really pretty, Ms. Momo."

Momo blushed, and before she could thank Izuku for the comment, Shoto spoke up. "She's really beautiful, isn't she?"

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