Chapter Ten

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Izuku released the hold on the speaker and released a breath of nervousness. He clenched his fist, and ran out of the room. If he knew his father, he would have guards come and grab him. Probably kill him.

Luckily for him, Shouta, Katsuki, and even Yagi had taught him how to wield a sword. He knew how to hold his own. At an early age as well, so he had experience. He might not have been able to take down an Alpha, due to the fact he was an Omega, but he could definitely try if he was feeling feisty.

And he was right.

The minute that Izuku turned the corner of the corridor, at least four guards came and pointed swords at him. He frowned, grabbing the hilt of the hidden knife Shoto had given him. "Please don't do this. I don't want to hurt you all."

"Izuku Midoriya, we have our orders." A guard said, grimacing.

Izuku sighed. "I understand. I apologize in advance, then." He pulled the knife out, and held it in his hands tight. He smirked, arching an eyebrow up, almost inviting them to charge at him.

Izuku sidestepped, missing a guard who charged straight at his torso. He hastily grabbed the surprised guard and pushed him towards the other two, who managed to stagger backwards and fall from impact. The current guard who hadn't fallen was already trying to harm Izuku. His sword managed to graze Izuku's side, blood seeping through, but the injury wasn't enough to make Izuku fall to his knees.

He had to fight these guards, but he wasn't trying to kill them.

Once Izuku had managed to kick the guard in the chest, he observed them.

Their stamina was off, the guards already seemingly out of breath, although they hadn't been fighting for long. The form was sloppy, and borderline lazy. Izuku smiled, remembering the training he had endured from Toshinori and Shouta. They wouldn't have allowed these so called guards to fight like this. They'd be mildly disappointed.

The disadvantage was the weapons choice. Izuku couldn't get close enough with his blade, whilst they all had swords. His weapon was for close combat, not far distance like theirs.

He wiped at this forehead, the stress and heat causing perspiration. He took a deep breath and readjust the grip on the knife, the look of determine and triumph evident on his beautiful face.

Izuku charged at the nearest guard, ducking immediately as he swung for Izuku's head. Izuku rolled onto the ground, ignoring the stinging on his torso and sliced behind his knees. It should be enough to hold the raging guard. Once the guard fell, the other three came charging at once.

Looking down at the fallen guard, he grabbed the sword and blocked the direct attack aimed straight at his face. With one hand he held a sword, the other the knife. He sighed, and began blocking their attacks, his eyes not leaving the attacks coming from left and right.

He had managed to take down two more guards, and almost smiled in triumph, when a thought suddenly struck him.

Where'd the last guard go?

When suddenly, a piercing pain erupted from the middle of his back. Izuku gasped, looking down at the crimson blood leaking from the other end of the sword that stabbed right through his chest.

"I'm sorry, Prince." The guard heaved, his eyes lowered to the ground.

"No.... I'm sorry." Izuku panted, gritting his teeth and hastily pushing the guard off of him. When the guard fell down, he had managed to take the sword out of Izuku and Izuku took that opportunity to attack.

Izuku stabbed the guard through the shoulder, the blade stabbing slightly into the floor, prohibiting the guard from moving. Izuku used the hilt of the knife and brought it down to the guards head, knocking him out. Izuku watched the guards eyes close, and Izuku ripped some of the guards shirt to makeshift a tie around his injury. He carefully hid the knife again, and grabbed the swords sheath and put it away.

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