Chapter Eleven

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Izuku woke up with a groan. His injury hurt, and his eyes landed on Katsuki, who was talking with Fuyumi and Shoto in hushed tones.

Izuku sat up abruptly, altering the others and shakily standing on his feet.

"Deku, lay back down, you dumbass!" Katsuki snapped, pushing the Omega back down at the hospital bed.

"He's right, Midoriya." Fuyumi warned, pouting and fixing her glasses. "Your injury could've been a lot worse, and my medication has helped it a little bit, but you shouldn't be up and about like that. Especially so hastily."

Izuku nodded, slightly dizzy from his sudden movement. "Hisashi is restrained." Shoto said, causing Izuku to look down at the ground.

"Deku, why would you save that dumbass?" Katsuki spoke lowly, Shoto and Fuyumi looking at Izuku for the same answer. Everyone knew the Omega hated Hisashi as much as the next person, so to find out he was willing to save the Alphas life was quite shocking.

"I don't want to save him." Izuku's eyes never left Katsuki's, blinking back tears. From the slight pain, or his overwhelming emotions, he didn't know. "I hate him. More than anything. He's hurt me. Hurt my mother, and you and everyone I care about. He's a horrible person. He's everything I never want to be."

Izuku wiped at his tears, trying to stop his quivering lip. "But to kill someone... I can't do it. No matter what they've done to me, how could I take a life?" Izuku cried, a sob running through his body. "I want him to go away, and to leave forever but I cannot fathom the idea of being responsible for his death."

Katsuki released calming pheromones, hugging his Omega and scenting him. "Let me do it."

The statement caught Izuku off guard, his eyes widening. "Wha—"

"We will give you two a moment." Shoto said, following Fuyumi outside the infirmary and closing the door behind themselves.

"But you... have you killed someone before, Kacchan..?" Izuku moved over, letting Katsuki lay down on the bed next to him.

"The hell? Of course not!" Katsuki said, sighing. "You would know if I did, you know I can't hide anything from you. But.." Katsuki wiped at the stray tears falling from Izuku's eyes. "I'd do anything for you. It's my job to protect you. As a Knight... and as your Alpha."


"And I promise, Deku, I won't let anyone make you cry again. I'll beat the shit out of them and kill them even if I have too." Katsuki ran his thumb over Izuku's plump lips. "I won't let you get hurt again."

Izuku blushed, holding a purr back at how safe he felt. "You really love me?"

"More than you would ever fucking know." Katsuki answered, not hesitating once.

"And you'll make me yours...?" Izuku kept looking back and forth between Katsuki's lips and his intense crimson eyes.

"If you weren't injured, I'd fuck you right now." Katsuki answered bluntly, Izuku turning a dark shade of red. "I know I can't mark you until you're in heat, but I'd cover your skin with hickeys and have my scent all over you so no one would even think about getting close to you."

"T-that's possessive..." Izuku leaned closer to Katsuki, his small hands holding Katsuki's jaw. "B-but I don't mind it."

"You better not. Because once I mark you, you're mines forever." Katsuki husked out, his eyes holding hidden lust.

"I'm always yours. Since the beginning. And I'll be yours until the end." Izuku whisper against Katsuki's lips, before shyly claiming them in a slow but passionate kiss.

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