Chapter Eighteen

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Izuku could not open his eyes.

He could practically feel the sun beaning down on him, and his hangover was too much.

His head pounded, and he was certain if he fully woke up, he'd be vomiting in no time.

Just as he was about just give up, and go back to sleep, he felt something— or rather someone move next to him. He risked the instant headache that was going to come, and opened his eyes to seeing Katsuki holding his waist and sleeping next to him.

Izuku's eyes widened, and he felt blush run up to his face. He gasped, and bits and pieces of last night came into his memory.

"Oh my Gods..." Izuku mumbled, peeking underneath the blanket that covered him and indeed found them naked, their legs intertwined. His heart was beating rapidly, as he could only study Katsuki's face.

He chuckled a bit, wondering what Katsuki would think when he woke up.

Though that thought didn't last long, as he soon felt the vomit reaching his mouth.

Izuku clamped his mouth shut, and quickly tried to get out of bed, absolutely refusing to throw up in the bed they were both sharing.

However, he didn't take into consideration, that he just lost his virginity last night.

He collapsed onto the floor, the minute his feet touched the floor. He just reached over and grabbed the waste bin by his bed and threw up whatever he was throwing up. He can't even remember if they had eaten, though he was sure of it.

"Deku..?" Katsuki woke up, holding his head, and blinked a few times looking at the Omega on the floor throwing up. "What are you doing on the floor?" He groaned, closing his eyes.

Once Izuku was sure he had thrown up everything he could, he coughed, disgusted. "Throwing up. I... I didn't wanna throw up while in bed." He gasped, red. "O-oh..."

He felt the cum inside of him, some of it drying as it has leaked out of him while he slept, he supposed.

"Here." Katsuki staggered getting up, Izuku met with the sight of him bare naked. "You have to be careful." Izuku nodded, but then realized
something that was bothering him.

Katsuki wasn't looking at him.

His eyes averted eye contact with Izuku, and he didn't hold that confidence that Izuku grew to love.


Did Katsuki regret sleeping with Izuku?

Izuku looked at the floor, as Katsuki helped him to the bathroom, placing Izuku in the bath. Katsuki hummed, setting the temperature at warm temperature, and before he could say anything, Izuku whimpered.

"D-do you regret sleeping with m-me...?"

Katsuki finally looked at Izuku, to see him crying. His eyes were swarming with tears, his lip quivering and his body shaking.

"Not at all." Katsuki answered immediately, climbing into the tub with Izuku, the warm water feeling great against Katsuki's body. "I just... I thought you would've been the one to regret it."

"Y-you mean that?" Izuku sobbed, his eyes not leaving Katsuki's. "Y-you really mean that? W-why would I regret it?"

"Of course. Of fucking course, baby." Katsuki pulled Izuku into a kiss, being gentle and slowly. "I'm sorry for making you think otherwise. I should've made it clearer for you. I told you. I love you, and .. and to be your fucking first means more than you know. And because... I figured for an Omega, losing your virginity was something important."

"Kacchan.." Izuku slowly crawled into Katsuki's lap, the warm water soothing his sore body. "I love you. A-and I'm glad I was your f-first too." Izuku looked down nervously. "I-I don't plan on being with anyone else other than you, Kacchan. S-so it's okay that you t-took my first."

"Fuck". Katsuki felt his chest tighten. "Me too. I love you so much." Katsuki began bathing Izuku, the water slowly starting to become cold. "Brace yourself, baby." Katsuki warned, his finger probing at Izuku's entrance.

"Ngh." Izuku whined, feeling Katsuki slide his finger in.

"It's okay, Deku. Just cleaning the cum. With the hangover, and this staying inside of you, it's probably what caused you to throw the fuck up. Does it hurt?"

"W-well no. The water helps. M-my butt is sore though." Izuku mumbled, as Katsuki removed his finger.

"We didn't prep you. Drunk you is fucking bold and risky." Katsuki smirked, and snuggled Izuku's nape, lightly scenting Izuku as Izuku clung onto the Alpha as he carried him out the tub. "I fucking love it."

"Y-you do?" Izuku was sat up on his bed, as Katsuki grabbed the soiled sheets and threw them in the clothes basket. He grabbed a nearby one and covered the Omega with it as he searched for clothes. Katsuki wrapped a towel around his waist.

"Yes. I don't remember much, but I remember you riding me. Mhm... thinking about it almost makes me hard again." Katsuki grinned, looking at Izuku with lust.

"O-oh." Izuku turned red, his eyes averting the Alpha.

"Though, this Deku.." Katsuki placed his hand under Izuku's chin, and faced him towards himself. "This timid and innocent Deku is the one I fell in love with."

"Yeah?" Izuku was warm, his heart hammering in his chest. The love he felt was making him dizzy, and he couldn't stop the child like smile creeping onto his face.

"Yeah. Hell fucking yeah." Katsuki placed the clothes next to Izuku and stripped the blanket off of Izuku's naked body. He slowly helped get him dressed, making sure to soak in the image of his lovely mate and his beautiful body.

A knock was heard at the door, and Katsuki made Izuku was dressed, before answering.

"What, Half and Half?" Katsuki grumbled, allowing Shoto in the room.

"Good morning, Bakugo and Midoriya." Shoto deadpanned, nodding his head to the couple.

"G-good morning, Todoroki." Izuku stammered.

"I see you two had fun." Shoto slightly smirked, causing Izuku to cover his neck which he was certain was covered in hickeys by his possessive Alpha.

"Tch. Damn right we did." Katsuki said, shrugging and dropping his towel.

"K-Kacchan!" Izuku wasn't sure if he was embarrassed by Katsuki being naked in front of Shoto or the bluntness of the Alpha.

"Good." Shoto shrugged. "I don't mean to interrupt the good times, but we might have a little bit of a problem."

Izuku and Katsuki became alert, looking at Shoto with attentive eyes.

"Shindo.. he's making his next moves."

To Be Continued
1096 Words

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