Chapter Seven

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Izuku could barely breathe.

Whether it was from being stuffed in a crate for a couple of days or the constant state of dread he was living in, but he could feel himself getting lightheaded as he felt the crate shake from side to side.

He only managed to get out at night, when Sero made sure it was all clear to use the bathroom. Izuku wasn't particularly comfortable with using the bathroom in the outdoors but he had to make due with what he had.

Currently, they were on route back to the Midoriya Kingdom. Within one more night, according to Sero they should teach home and Izuku was feeling so many emotions.

Fear, happiness, sorrow. The list continued, and it consisted of more negative emotions than positive ones.

Izuku felt the carriage stop, and he furrowed his eyebrow. They were probably taking another pit stop, because he was sure they hadn't reached their kingdom yet.

Moments pass and before long, the lid opened, and Sero grimaced down at the Omega. "Are you alright? I'm sure it is cramped and uncomfortable in there. I apologize, Prince."

"It's alright." Izuku whispered, stretching once he got out the crate. He looked over at Fuyumi and Natsuo and offered a small smile. "It's not too bad once you get used to it."

"You know, you're admirable." Fuyumi said, giving him some bread and water they had packed for the journey. "I like you, Izuku Midoriya. You're a strong Omega."

Natsuo sighed. "You're an Omega too, Fuyu." The Beta arched his eyebrows.

"True." Fuyumi shrugged. "I am. But I am merely a nurse. Not a Prince saving my Alpha and my Kingdom from a douchebag."

Sero snorted, sitting next to them. "Next trip, we should reach the Kingdom. Then, we commence. Hopefully no one has been killed until then."

Izuku pouted, gnawing his lip. "You didn't have to word it like that."

"I know, Prince. I'm sorry. I just... I don't want anyone going in there with high hopes." Sero looked down, before checking to see if Izuku finished eating. "Let me walk you to use the bathroom, somewhere. Then we must continue."

"Of course."

"Sir, His Majesty. Please." Shouta Aizawa pleaded, the Alpha in him really upset. His inner Alpha was sick of himself, begging to an Alpha— a trash Alpha like Hisashi at that. "Please don't hurt these foolish children—"

"Children?" Hisashi arched an eyebrow, looking at his captors. "Were they considered children when they tried to assassinate me?"

"I'm aware of the circumstances, sir—"

"No. No I don't think you are, Aizawa. I get it, really. Sure, you were in charge of these brats in their younger years. Sure, you even trained them, before you retired and became a caretaker for the horses and wildlife here. But nothing, can change that I will have them killed." Hisashi laughed, and in that moment, Shouta growled. "Oh? You're growling at me?"

Hisashi slowly walked up to Shouta, a evil smirk on his face. "I suggest you fix that, unless you want your mate and son to suffer for it."

That comment was the breaking factor for Shouta.

He brutally punched the King, ensuring he was pleased with himself until he heard a crack. "Don't you dare... threaten my fucking family!" Shouta saw red.

"G-guards!" Hisashi groaned, holding his broken nose. Blood dripped down his chin, his eyes holding anger and slight fear in them.

Shouta was one of the well-known knights before he had retired. He had simply grew tired of it, and once his son Shinso was born, he decided he would make an effort to stay out of trouble.

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