Chapter Seventeen

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Izuku wasn't sure if who was in charge of allowing the younger crowd drink, but they were doing a horrible job.

Sure, they had a glass of wine, here and there, to celebrate or do a toast. But never like this.

Everyone was drinking until they'd be knocked out on the floor. And so early on in the day as well.

Even the adults, like Shouta and Yagi and Yamada were all drinking. Even Iida was downing drinks left and right— and that alone was a lot.

"Deku..." Katsuki slurred, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "Let's leave these" Katsuki sure, he had had wine before. A glass, maybe two. But this- the amount everyone was drinking was borderline too much. Katsuki was woozy, smiling like an idiot, and his eyes wouldn't stop roaming Izuku's body.

It's not like Izuku was helping the situation— he was hot and bothered. He grabbed at Katsuki's hand, and allowed him to place them on his ass, causing Katsuki to smirk. "Okay... Alpha." He giggled like a child, and hushed Katsuki as he began spewing flirtatious comments.

Once the pair had made it to the Omegas room, their lust was already getting to them. Izuku was tossed onto the bed and quickly stripped of his clothes. Katsuki removed his own clothes, as Izuku watched him with hungry eyes. Katsuki leaned down and began attacking Izuku's neck sloppily, biting and licking at every spot he could. He was sure Izuku was going to be covered in hickeys, but their rational side was out the window.

"A-ah!" Izuku shuddered as Katsuki bit down on his sweet spot, arching his back slightly. "T-there Kacchan." Izuku panted, his eyes closing in bliss.

Izuku felt adventurous and bold, he pushed Katsuki on the bed. The Alpha looked at Izuku with hazy eyes, and smirked as Izuku sat on Katsuki's growing erection. The moan left Katsuki's lips, as he felt Izuku's slick gathering on his cock. Izuku kissed Katsuki again, slowly grinding on Katsuki's member. Izuku moaned, the sound resonating like music in Katsuki's ears.

"Who knew you were capable of this?" Katsuki husked, thrusting his upwards as Izuku applied more pressure into grinding onto him. "Do you want to go all the way? I'm okay with if you do or don't."

"Mhm..." Izuku moaned, nodding his head slowly. "Make me yours, Kacchan!" Izuku cried out, grabbing the bulbous head of Katsuki's cock, and pressing it against his entrance. He slowly circled his entrance, the nerves jumping with anticipation.

He looked at Katsuki, who's hands were resting on his hips and his cheeks dusted red. He looked as excited as well nervous as Izuku was. His eyes were looking at Izuku, looking for hesitation. But he didn't find any. It could've been the alcohol talking, but the two were more than happy to have been each other's first time.

"Ngh..." Izuku whimpered, pushing Katsuki's length into him. Katsuki whispered praises of approval and assurance, biting his lip feeling how tight Izuku was. His eye twitched, feeling the warmth and hearing the wetness Izuku was letting out for him. "Y-you're so big, Kacchan." Izuku whispered.

"W-we should've prepped you." Katsuki groaned, feeling himself twitch inside of the Omega. "Fuck.. baby you feel so tight."

"D-don't say such things." Izuku moaned, his hands resting on Katsuki's shoulders. Feeling the thickness of Katsuki's cock inside of Izuku, was almost enough to make Izuku reach his climax.

"Don't rush things, kitten. Take your time, Deku." Katsuki warned, watching Izuku slowly lift himself up, until only the tip was left inside of him. Katsuki growled, watching as Izuku slowly lowered himself back down.

"Oh Gods." Izuku moaned,  as he began riding Katsuki in a slow pace. He had to be careful, especially since he didn't stretch himself like he should've done. But he was so excited, he was to lust-ridden. They both were. 

"Fuck..." Katsuki panted, his hand reaching up and pulling Izuku down for a kiss. "Fuck your self like that on my dick, baby." Katsuki praised, his tongue invading Izuku's mouth and he slightly began thrusting upwards.

Suddenly, Izuku cried, his back arching and his lips parting from Katsuki's. "T-there! K-Kacchan, a-again!"

Katsuki huffed, and thrusted straight for Izuku's prostate once more. He swiftly began thrusting for the bundle of nerves that would drive any man wild, before his lips were back on Izuku's. Katsuki's teeth grabbed at Izuku's plump and swollen lips, and pulled, stimulating the Omega once more. "Can I try something?" As Izuku agreed by nodding his head as best as he could with words not being able to be formed via his lips, Katsuki pulled out.

Izuku whined, at the lost of his Alpha's cock inside of him, but that quickly changed when Izuku was pulled into Katsuki's lap.

Izuku's back was pressed against Katsuki's chest, his legs being held on either side of Katsuki. The Alpha stood up, holding the Omega in that position as Katsuki slipped his cock back into Izuku. 

With Izuku being held in the air, and his legs being held apart, Katsuki had access to the Omegas beautiful and round ass, as his cock pressed straight into Izuku's prostate.

"I-I'm gonna cum!" Izuku cried, sobbing at the pace Katsuki was going at. He was surprised he has lasted this long, seeing as though it was his first time.

Though, that surprise wouldn't last long as his breathing became unstable and his eyes began rolling to the back of his head. His legs began shaking in Katsuki's arms, and he couldn't stop the incoherent words leaving his lips.

"Me too, Fuck me too, Deku." He placed languorous kisses on Izuku's neck, and began to suck on Izuku's neck, right where Katsuki's mark would be.

"I-inside! C-cum inside, Kacchan!" Izuku cried, his cock twitching, as cum shot out of it, soiling the bed sheets, and some even landing on the floor. Izuku tilted his head and sighed, his eyes rolling as Katsuki's orgasm followed shortly afterwards.

"Fuck!" Katsuki cursed, his cock spurting cum deep into Izuku. The Omega moaned, feeling himself being filled with it, and Katsuki sat on the bed once more, before pulling out. He smirked, watching the cum leak out of Izuku's entrance and he watched Izuku's eyes close.

Katsuki couldn't even blame him. With the alcohol in their systems, and their first time losing their virginity's, it was too much for the Alpha and Omega.

Katsuki lazily pulled the covers over themselves and drifted off into the sleep their body desperately called for.

They would deal with all the problems in the morning.

To Be Continued
1123 Words

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