Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Thank you, again. For helping us." Shouta said, moving over, allowing the pregnant woman to sit.

"It's no problem." Tatami smiled, pulling out some paper work. "So I'm a little bit familiar with how this Kingdom works. It's kinda a crappy one, if I'm honest."

"How so?" Iida asked.

"Well for starters, who's in charge. No one knows their real identity. It's just horrible, and if I'm honest I'm sure he's the one in charge of the kidnapping and all that of Omegas and Betas." Tatami sighed, scrunching her face up. "I vaguely remember Shindo speaking about it, and how he valued the guys morality. Very sickening."

"Do we have a name?" Shouta pressed, crossing his arms.

"Last name Shigaraki." Tatami answered, earning confused looks from everyone. "Tomura Shigaraki is a fake name. The ruler of this land gave it to the Shigaraki you know of. One time I heard someone call the King All for One, but honestly it sounds like a fantasy thing." Tatami laughed dryly. "It's very childish."

"All for One?" Kaminari repeated, sighing. "Do we look like superheroes? This sounds like we're playing heroes and villains. Especially with the name of League of Villains. Who came up with these names?"

"The point is," Kirishima shook his head. "Is that this guy runs this Kingdom, right? And he could be the one in charge of this? So that's a no by going in and asking where Midoriya is?"

Everyone stared at the redhead. "What? It's a serious question."

"Did you seriously think we could go in and ask him where one of his refugees are, and he'd be willing to tell us anything?" Iida asked.

"Worth a shot."

"Clearly that isn't going to work." Katsuki rolled his eyes. "We have to make this fast. Can't we just patrol the land, or some shit?"

"I mean, sure." Tatami agreed. "But I'm certain All for One is already aware of you guys' appearance in his land. Especially if you beat the hell out of Toga, one of Tomura's underlings."

"So if he knows we're here, why are we hiding? Let's find the bastard, and face him head on!" Katsuki said arrogantly.

"How will beating All for One help us find Midoriya?" Shouta reasoned, watching as Katsuki rolled his eyes. "We have to think about this. He may not even know anything, and it'll be a waste of time."

"No it won't. He is responsible for taking Deku and for tearing families apart. Him and that blood bitch and the other freaks that were working together." Katsuki growled.

"I'll handle All for One." Shouta answered, watching his students eyes go wide. "You all start patrolling the area. Fight to protect yourselves. Not to kill. Do I make myself clear, Bakugo?"

"If I see the burnt one and Shigaraki, I'll kill them. Especially that Dabi one, touching my fucking Omega." Katsuki stood up and left the others, his heartbeat beginning to beat wildly. "I'm bringing you home, Deku. I'll fucking make sure of it."

"He's around here, find him!" A voice said, causing Izuku to gulp.

Currently, he was buried deep within the woods, hiding from any and everyone.

He was starving, haven't eaten real food for almost three weeks. He had eaten some berries and drank some nearby pond water, but his malnourishment was really starting to effect him.

Not to mention his wounds.

His leg had a deep wound, one of the guards from the prison he was being held at stabbed him in the thigh. Izuku believes the guard hit an artery, the wound not stopping to bleed even after Izuku applied pressure and Izuku had to cauterize it. But the wound still was managing to turn a different color around the edges. Izuku could barely walk, and it made Izuku see black spots if he strained it too much.

For the past three weeks, groups of citizens were coming to look for Izuku. He wasn't sure if they were here to help him at first, but once he was almost caught, and they shot arrows and chanted threats at him, he knew that they were working for Shigaraki and the rest of them. He couldn't trust anyone.

Izuku didn't know how to get back home.

If he was honest, he was so deep in the forest, he hadn't seen the town for a while. If it weren't for the throbbing pain shooting in his body, he would've thought it was all a sick and twisted dream. No, a nightmare. This wasn't a dream— it was a nightmare.

He wanted to see his people, his mother. Everyone.


Curse the Gods, how would he explain that another Alpha had violated him? Fingered him and, forced Izuku to give him a blowjob? The thought alone made tears spring to Izuku's eyes.

Once he knew he was safe out of danger, fatigue took over his body instantly. He hadn't slept in days, the townspeople getting closer and closer to his location. But he knew he was safe.

He snuggled against a tree, freezing due to the lack of clothes. But honestly, it didn't matter. The minute he sat down as well as he could, his eyes closed, sleep taking over.


Izuku woke up because he heard branches snapping around him.

Someone was close.

By the time Izuku had woken up, it was nightfall. He wasn't sure how long he had been sleeping.

He struggled to get up. He inhaled sharply as he applied pressure to his leg. He has to get out of here. Who knows who was after—

"Fucking Deku!"

Izuku froze, his eyes widen. He hiccuped, daring to look over at the commotion.

"Please, if you're here... I need you to come back."
The voice said. "Deku... please... Izuku."

Was his mind playing tricks on him? Was Izuku finally hallucinating?

Was that Katsuki, standing right there? His Alpha, that he missed so much? The Alpha that had always had his heart?

"K-Kacchan..." Izuku called out, taking a step, and falling as his leg gave out. He fell, and whimpered, gaining the attention of Katsuki.

"Baby?" Katsuki whispered, almost scared that it wasn't Izuku. "My Omega?"

Izuku cried, nodding his head. "Alpha!" He struggled to get up again, and Katsuki ran to him. Izuku took a couple of steps, before falling over again, but this time in the embrace of his Alpha.

"I can't believe it! I can't fucking believe it!" Katsuki cried, holding his sobbing Omega. His skin was cold to the touch, his frame shaking.

Suddenly, Izuku pulled away. "W-wait." Izuku felt horrible, knowing he hadn't had the chance to shower. He knew he smelt horrible, and still he felt rather disgusting from another Alpha touching him. "I p-probably smell, and a-another Alpha touched..." Izuku cried harder when he saw Katsuki's left arm missing. "K-Kacchan—"

Katsuki pulled him in, not bothering with his smell. "I don't care. I don't care because you're here. And you're fucking alive. And you're with me."

Katsuki kissed Izuku's forehead, the Omega too self-conscious to allow Katsuki to kiss his lips. "I'm not going to let you fucking go ever again. I don't care if it kills me."

To Be Continued
1207 Words

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