Chapter Thirty- Three

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" Inko asked, as Katsuki, Yagi, Mitsuki and Masuru sat around a table.

"I've never been so fucking certain about anything in my life." Katsuki answered immediately, his eyes darting between Yagi and Inko. "I know you are his mother, and Toshinori, Izuku respects you more than you know. And since the two of you are together—"

"W-we aren't together!" Inko stuttered, her cheeks aflame.

"Mhm. Sure." Katsuki smirked, watching Yagi watch Inko with amused eyes. "I just... I want you guys permission to marry Izuku."

"Katsuki.." Yagi smiled fondly, his eyes warm.

"And since you old fuckers are my parents," Katsuki looked at Mistuki and Masuru, who simply stared at him with disbelief. "I want you guys to be involved. I want you to know."

"Are you certain?" Inko asked, her eyes watering. She knew her son was growing up. She knew Katsuki was the right decision for her baby boy. "I'm aware you two are marked now, but marrying into this royalty is a big step."

"Honestly," Katsuki shrugged. "I couldn't give a fuck about the royalty, or the wealth that comes with it. Izuku could be the poorest person in the land, and I'd still marry him."

Mitsuki smiled, the Alpha holding her sons hand. "You came out pretty fucking decent, huh, brat?"

Katsuki smirked, scoffing. "Tch. No thanks to fucking you." He said, the words contradictory to the truth. He knew his parents were responsible for everything he knew. His parents were responsible for the man he was today. And he silently thanked them, not that Katsuki would tell them that.

"Fuck you." Mistuki laughed, nodding her head. "I love Izuku, and I love you, Inko. I'd be more than happy to expand our families and have them one."

"As will I." Masuru agreed, rubbing Katsuki's shoulders. "They'll be alright."

Inko nodded her head slowly. She stood up, walking to Katsuki and standing in front of him. She grabbed his face, her small hands on his cheeks as she kissed his forehead. "You have my blessing, Katsuki Bakugo. You can marry my son."


Izuku sat in the tub, allowing his sore muscles to relax. He knew him and Katsuki had a lot of sex during his heat, but he didn't expect to feel so sore afterwards. The thought alone made Izuku blush, slowly submerging himself deeper into the water.

His leg was mostly better, just a little sore to the touch. It had scarred over and the stitches he had were removed.

He unintentionally placed his hands on his flat stomach, hoping he would get pregnant. He knew he was way too young, but after getting knotted so many times by Katsuki, it triggered his Omegan instincts. The Omega purred, the thought of being a mother made him preen.

Once the water was too cold for Izuku to handle, he carefully got out of the tub, wrapping a robe around his body. He glanced quickly at the mirror, noticing all the love bites and hickeys scattered across his pale skin. Izuku blushed, shaking his head. He loved being marked by Katsuki.

After Izuku got dressed he decided to go and see Aizawa. He knew that Katsuki said he had to handle something and that he'll come find Izuku when he was done, but in the meantime he wanted to see how the older Alpha had been doing.

He walked to Shouta's room, gently knocking on the door, surprised to see Kaminari open the door. "Oh. Hey Kaminari." Izuku greeted the Beta, the two giving each other a hug as Izuku walked into the room.

"Hey Midoriya. Everything okay?" Kaminari asked, as Izuku saw Shinso and Yamada in the room as well.

"Yes. Just wanted to check up on Master Aizawa was all." Izuku raised an eyebrow. "Why are you here?"

"I was with Shinso. He wanted to come see him, before we ran to get some food." Kaminari answered, Izuku nodded in acknowledgment. "Not like a date or anything, just two friends grabbing food." Kaminari rushed, blushing slightly.

"Just two friends grabbing food." Shinso clarified, and Izuku couldn't help but chuckle.

He noticed that Kaminari and Shinso had been spending more time together, and in a couple of months, it'll be a year of the passing of Sero.

Izuku also noticed that Kaminari went to his gravesite everyday to make sure it stayed tidy, and even stayed longer to talk.

He looked over at Shinso, the Alpha's eyes had a look of promise in them.

Shinso was respecting that Kaminari wanted time, and was just being there as a friend for Kaminari right now.

Izuku hoped Kaminari would find the peace he deserved. And hopefully, it would be with Shinso.

"Right." Izuku laughed, looking over at Shouta who sat upwards. "How are you, sensei?"

"I'm breathing." As Yamada huffed, hitting Shouta's arm, the dark haired Alpha laughed. "I'm okay. I'm almost completely used to the prosthetic leg."

"Really? That's wonderful!" Izuku beamed, happiness surging in his eyes. "I'm very happy to hear that!"

"We could tell, little listener." Yamada joked, causing Izuku to blush.  "But how are you feeling, is the real question? We heard down the grapevine that you just finished your heat."

Izuku blushed again, blinking rapidly. "Y-yes I did."

Kaminari smirked, resting his arm over Izuku's shoulders. "Was... Bakugo there.. by chance?"

"Y-yes." Izuku squeaked, avoiding the surprised looks from Aizawa and Yamada. "We spent it together."

"Please tell me you used protection." Aizawa groaned, sighing when Izuku slightly shook his head no. "You could end up pregnant, Midoriya."

"I-I don't mind." Izuku whispered, his eyes darting to the floor. "A-anyways! I came to check on you, b-but it seems you're good so I'll see you later!" He swiftly, turned to leave before stopping abruptly. "Hey, Aizawa?"


"The girl, Tsu. Is she still here?"

"Yes, she's staying one in the guest rooms."

"Thank you." Izuku bowed respectfully, hurrying to go see the Beta girl he had made friends with. He ran, joy surging through his veins as he went to go greet her, and he knocked on every door until he found her room.

"Come in." She said on the other side of the room.

Izuku walked in, the Beta girl standing to her feet immediately. "Midoriya?!" She cried, running to him, embracing him in a hug. "I thought... oh my Gods. You're okay!"

"Mostly. Aside from my leg, yeah, haha." Izuku hugged her back tightly, releasing soothing pheromones when she began to cry harder. "It's okay, Tsu."

"I thought you'd never make it back..." Tsu admitted, allowing Izuku to lead her to the bed she was sleeping in. Tsu was allowed to stay at the castle via Katsuki's and Inko's request. After all, her coming to the castle, did allow them to find Izuku. "I thought..."

"Get those thoughts out of your head, Tsu. I'm here. I'm okay." He held her hand, and wiped her tears. "We're okay."

To Be Continued
1174 Words

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