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"Katsumi dear, stop running!" Inko
exclaimed, watching the five year old girl run around her playroom.

"Ooh, I'm telling my Mama and Papa!" Kenichi said, ignoring the raspberry Katsumi blew at him.

"What are they gonna do, hm?" Katsumi said, her hand on her hips. "My Daddy says I could do whatever I want!"

"Lady Inko, Katsu is being mean again..." Hiromi said, a pout on her face. She was the daughter of Tenya Iida and Ochaco Uraraka. Her dark blue eyes were slanted, her eyebrows furrowed as her messy brown hair poked everywhere. She was known to be quite emotional, but she tried to keep in all together and lead everyone, such as her father has done.

"Katsumi." Inko warned, looking at her granddaughter.

"What?" Katsumi groaned, muttering under her breath as she walked stopped running amd instead decided to go bother her parents. "I'm going to look for my Daddy."

"Dear, Katsuki is busy." Inko warned, Katsumi discouraged as she sat down. Inko could tell that Katsumi was craving both of her fathers' attention.

When Izuku had decided to give up the controversial position he had in his Kingdom, that also meant he had to go through a lot of people to make sure that happened. A lot of officials were in shock, not seeing someone willingly want to change the dictatorship of a Kingdom. In fact, Izuku had so much influence, the Todoroki Kingdom had decided to follow in his footsteps.

However, that meant that recently with all the meetings all the parents had to attend, they were not able to be with their children as much. And Eri was helping with as much as the twelve year old could, but she was too consumed in her studies.

"But Grandma—"

"No buts. Come on, let me fix your hair, sweet pea." Inko offered a smile, Katsumi couldn't resist the smile on her face as her grandmother embraced her. "You know, if you kids want, we can all go for a stroll. I heard Lady Tatami is in town with Yua."

Yua was Tatami's daughter. It was hard for Tatami raising her daughter by herself, but she had managed. Tatami and the Midoriya Kingdom had grown quite accustomed with each other, trading and overall helping each other grow as a community.

"Yua is here!?" Kenichi asked, a smile on his face. "Aw yeah!"

"Oooh, you like her!" Katsumi taunted, ignoring the eye roll Kenichi gave her.

"No way! We just don't see her, is all." Kenichi defended himself.

Inko suppressed a laugh hearing the two go back and forth. "Let's go. When we come back, it'll be supper time."

Hiromi held Katsumi and Kenichi's hand as they walked out the door, making jokes about random things Inko couldn't comprehend. The three of them were inseparable, and honestly Inko found it to be the cutest thing ever.

"Yua!" Katsumi called out, her curls bouncing as she ran towards her friend, who was playing in the garden chasing a butterfly. She was standing by her mother, the daughter looking like an exact replica of Tatami.

"Katsu!" She smiled, and embraced her friends. They laughed and spoke quick, Tatami and Inko staring at each other in confusion and giving up as they had small talk amongst themselves.

"I hear Shoto and Momo are in town." Tatami whispered, Inko nodding her head.

"I can't wait to see Sora." Inko said, Tatami agreeing.

Sora was Momo and Shoto's son. Although Momo had managed to get pregnant, it came with a price to Sora.

Sora had a connective tissue problem in his legs, so he couldn't walk as well. He couldn't walk without the support of his leg braces, and even then it was for a short amounts of time. Of course, he had the help of both his parents.

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