Chapter Thirty- Eight

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"He's awake!" A cheery voice said, a pounding behind Katsuki's eyes.

With a heavy groan he woke up, his eyes landing on his parents and Shouta.


"You passed out. Panicked. Are you okay?" His father asked, frowning. He knew that Katsuki was a grown man capable of taking care of himself, but he couldn't hide his care even if he wanted to. The Omega in him wouldn't allow it.

Katsuki pondered for a moment, his eyes going wide. "Deku..."

"Chiyo did an ultrasound, the pup is okay." Shouta said, careful to not reveal the baby's gender.

"And Deku, is awake as well." Mitsuki said, her eyes tender as Katsuki looked to the ground in shame. "He's in the tub. Are you going to talk to him?"

"Why would I?" Katsuki whispered, his vision becoming blurry. "I fucking hurt him."

"He asked for you." Shouta said, watching Katsuki tense up. "Was worried about you."

"Bullshit." Katsuki said, refusing Izuku would want him near him since what happened. "If I were him, I wouldn't let me near him."

"Well maybe you don't know your Omega as much as you do." Masaru spoke in low voice.

"What?" Katsuki asked, his eyes wide.

"I doubt he hates you." Shouta sighed exasperated. "When I went into rut while me and Yamada were having sex, it was scary for him. It doesn't always happen that way. Just like when an Omega goes into an unexpected heat. And I was terrified he'd hate me. But he didn't. And as you could see that didn't happen." Shouta shook his head, sighing. "You need to talk to him, Bakugo. Stop acting like a bitch."

"A bitch?" Katsuki questioned, looking at his mentor incredulously. "Don't you ever call—"

"Then talk to Midoriya. I'm sure he isn't mad. You need to. For his and your sake and your pups' sake." Shouta helped Katsuki to his feet. The dark-haired Alpha had grown quite used to his metallic leg he had to use.

"Right.." Katsuki was actually dreading it.

He didn't know what to feel, but he knew Shouta was right. He pushed past his parents, telling his thumping heart to calm the hell down as he trudged towards Izuku's and his bedroom.

He stood outside the bedroom door, sighing and opened the door.

He noticed Izuku wasn't on the king sized bed, and he noticed the bathroom door closed. He hesitantly walked towards it, knocking on it lightly. "Deku."

"Come in." Izuku called out, the Alpha grimacing. He felt disgusted with himself. He hated hurting Izuku.

Katsuki opened the door, his eyes going wide at the Omega smiling at him. "Kacchan.." His eyes were tender, and not full of maliciousness as Katsuki feared. "Are you okay?"

"Am I..." Katsuki stood there bewildered. "Are you okay? I should be asking you that. I thought..."

Izuku frowned, looking at Katsuki standing in the doorway of the bathroom. "Are you coming in?"

"Aren't you fucking mad at me?" Katsuki couldn't help but ask, his palm sweating.

"Why... would I be mad at you?" Izuku asked, tilting his head to the side. "Because of your rut?"

"Because I fucking hurt you!" Katsuki exclaimed, shaking his head.

"Kacchan." Izuku declared, his tone serious. "Come here."

"I don't want you to be—"

"It wasn't a question." Izuku ordered, the Alpha finding himself walking towards his seemingly annoyed mate. "Get in the tub."

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