Chapter Five

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Two months.

It had taken two months to find the perfect time to sneak Izuku in.

Although, he suffered a lot of separation anxiety from everything he knew, Shoto was willing to help him through everything.

Even when Izuku had gone into heat, Shoto had a room reserved just for him, and no one was allowed except his mother, Rei, who was also an Omega. She supplied him with food and drinks and clean clothes. And cleaned him up after every wave.

Two months of not seeing his mother or talking to her. Two months of not seeing his friends, his people. Izuku was terrified. What if something happened to his mother? What is something happened to Katsuki? Knowing him, he'd try to defy Hisashi and probably would've gotten himself killed? What if Hisashi already decided to go and —

"Midoriya, are you ready?" Shoto's voice stopped Izuku's thoughts going on a rampage. "Are you nervous?" Shoto probably sensed Izuku's fear, and it caused him to pout. "We don't have to do this—"

"No!" Izuku snapped. He sighed, shaking his hands to attempt to let out some nerves. "I'm just scared. But I wanna do it. We've already been waiting for the right moment."

Shoto offered a small smile. "Okay. We got this."

"Hopefully." Izuku hugged Shoto, holding on to his arm for some instant. "Do you think your father suspects anything?"

"I don't. We came up with you not having a child yet because we 'wanted to wait for my rut'. And being marked in that case." Shoto nodded his head, looking nervous. "Please be careful."

"Likewise, Todoroki." Izuku looked down, scared to ask his question. "Have you heard anything about Katsuki and his detainment?"

Katsuki was caught, trying to not only sneak into the Kings headquarters, but apparently he had planned to have the King assassinated.

Kirishima, Kaminari, and even another knight with the name Tenya Iida was caught as well. They all were friends with Izuku and thought how Hisashi was acting was unethical. Apparently, from what new articles said, was that Katsuki had managed to gather a whole team, and that the Midoriya Kingdom was under watch, as no one was sure who could try and harm the King.

Inko was out of harms way. Along with Katsuki's parents, and all the family of the people who participated in the rebellion. They were currently in hiding. Even Yagi and his daughter were keeping a low profile, in case Hisashi had to tried attack them.

"Apparently he has a hearing today. Determines if he gets ... if he gets executed or not."

Izuku felt his heart drop, everything around him suddenly spinning. "W-what?"

"And it's not just him too. It's everyone who was involved, as well." Shoto explained, knowing it was better to be honest than to lie to the Omega.

"No..." Izuku took a step back, finding it hard to breathe. He knew the plan. The plan that was sure to help everything. And everyone. "No, no, no..!"

But now he was defeated.

What if the plan didn't work, and it still wouldn't have help Katsuki and the other from being killed. What if Izuku had finally managed to get there, and witness Katsuki's head being cut off with the guillotine? He felt queasy, suddenly clamping a hand over his mouth and Shoto rushed to grab a trash can. He placed the canister on the ground, and Izuku felt the familiar sensation of his vomit tickling his throat, tears welling in his eyes.

He was panicking.

"You have to calm down." Shoto said, worried laced in his monotone voice. "You're gonna make yourself sick."

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