Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Please... stop." Izuku cried, pointlessly as Dabi began undressing himself. Dabi removed the gag from Izuku's mouth when they were alone.

"You're so hot, crying and begging." Dabi pulled Izuku onto his lap, making Izuku grimace as he felt how hard Dabi's cock was. It twitched, making the Omega whimper.

"I-I have a mate." Izuku tried to reason with Dabi, but knew it was pointless.

Dabi was just as corrupted as anyone Izuku's interfered with so far.

"They're not here, are they? No. So shut the fuck up and take this." Dabi took his cock, and was about to begin pushing inside of Izuku's entrance, when Toga suddenly walked in. "Damn you, little girl!"

"Shiggy's very mad at you." Toga warned, crossing her arms over her breast. "We can't keep them, Dabi! This is the second one! First it was that weird girl." Toga pouted. "Besides if anyone gets to keep Izu, it should be me!"

"Stop trying to fuck our prisoners. Put it away." Shiggy said, walking in the room. Dabi sighed, pushing Izuku on the floor, and angrily pulled his pants back up. "Where's the weird peasant girl you found? You can keep her, but we have to get rid of this one."

Izuku looked down, trying to cover himself with his arms. He was yet to still be provided with any clothes. This was shameful.

But, the three of them were somehow distracted.

And Izuku didn't have any restraints on. Just the collar around his neck.

"No way, I want to keep him!" Toga shouted, stomping her foot like a child. "I caught him."

"This isn't up for debate." Shigaraki snarled. "We haven't heard shit back from Enji Todoroki, Rumor has it that his son go to him."

Dabi scowled. "His son? Which one, Shoto?"

Shigaraki squinted his eyes. "How'd you know?"

Dabi laughed dryly. "Lucky guess." Dabi smiled, his smile borderline creepy. "That bastard deserved it."

"You got problems with 'em?" Toga asked.

"Very personal. I got exiled, to say the least." Dabi lied, shrugging his shoulders. "Moving past that. You can't contact him, now what?"

"We continue selling these rejects. Don't matter if they're poor or rich or any of that." Shigaraki said slowly. "But we can't keep taking them and keeping them for fucktoys." He directed at Dabi, the blue eyed Alpha laughing.

"They're pretty great fucktoys." Dabi shrugged his shoulders, turning to look back at Izuku. He stopped, his eyes growing wide. "Fuck."

Izuku wasn't in the room.

Shigaraki and Toga stopped arguing, and looked at the open door, only for it to be closed. The lock was set, and Toga could only laugh at Izuku's brilliance.

These doors could only lock from the outside. They were designed for whoever was locked in, couldn't be let out unless it was from someone on the other side.

"That Omega is so smart. Ah, I knew I liked him!" Toga giggled, earning a slur of curses from both the Alphas.

"He's still in our domain." Shigaraki muttered, sighing as he sat on the floor. "I've already sent the signal out. They won't let him leave. He leaves then we're done for."


Izuku ran, not caring if he was naked.

This was his one and only chance. He had to leave. Had to get out of here.

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