Chapter Nine

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"Are you alright, King Hisashi?" Shoto asked, faking concern on his face as he watched the Alpha stagger inside the conference room.

"Tch. Damn that Shouta..." Hisashi groaned, rubbing his head. He sent guards to find Shouta and even his husband Yamada. If he knew how witty Shouta was, he would go let the prisoners out. He couldn't afford to find them himself, not while Shoto was here. "I apologize, Todoroki. I got into a mishap..." He chuckled, his eyes showing how angry he was.

"No, I understand." Shoto had to hold in a smirk. Izuku had spoken a lot of his old teacher Shouta Aizawa. He was impressed to say the least. "Should we get started?"

"Of course." Hisashi grunted, his eyes darting back to the heavy doors. He knew Shouta had probably let them out, and his nerves were on edge. Of course, the nurses weren't around, Hisashi made sure that the escapees were gonna suffer, but it still left a heavy feeling in his stomach.

"How's that Omega doing for you?" Hisashi asked, joining Shoto at that table. "I know Omegas can be a little bit much, so I tried to keep him as tamed as possible." Hisashi laughed, as if he told a joke.

Shoto clenched his fist under the table. His sister and mother were Omegas. He respected them, and even had massive respect for Izuku. "He is great." Shoto had to hold back a smile. "Some would say, he's planning big things."

"Tch. I would never let an Omega run anything. All they are good for is keeping their legs open and popping kids out. They're nothing but whores. I tell you."

"Is that what you think of your wife?" Shoto tried to hide the malice in his voice. But he was growing angry, listening to this delusional man speak of his own family like that. "And your son?"

"Of course." Hisashi shrugged. "I maybe would've liked that disgrace I am saddened to call a son, if he was an Alpha. Maybe even a Beta. But no. Had to be born as such a disappointment." Hisashi sucked his teeth. "Shame, isn't it? Anyways, we're not here to talk about him or any of those useless Omegas. We're here to talk about combining—"

"Ah yes. I'm aware." Shoto deadpanned, relaxing his shoulders. "What's the rush though, King Hisashi? We have time, yes?"

"Hm.. yes. Actually, would you like some tea?" Hisashi snapped his fingers and a guard came by. "Have someone bring tea, thank you."

"I don't usually drink tea." Shoto answered, his request being seemingly ignored. "Why do you think so little of Omegas?"

"Why? Hm." Hisashi smiled, his smile making Shoto's stomach churn. "Because I was raised knowing the worth of our sub-genders. I know that Alphas are superior."

"You know... Alphas are nothing without an Omega." Shoto could tell Hisashi was getting antsy. He wanted to talk about merging, or something along those lines. In all honesty, Shoto stopped listening to what his father was explaining. He had to worry about Izuku. And make sure he was okay. And that the plan was followed through. And Momo. And his people.

"Don't you mean Omegas are nothing without Alphas? They need us to breed them. They're only good for getting pregnant, Todoroki. You should know that. Speaking of, have you knocked up that worthless Omega? Your father says you haven't."

Shoto's heart began to speed up. "No I haven't yet. I want to do it via my rut. Sounds more painful." He watched Hisashi smirk and it took everything in Shoto to not add another bruise to the man's face.

"Exactly, right?! Shows them who's in charge! Keeps them under you and shows them that you're the superior one! You know... I'd never admit it but that's what I did with my Omega. I knew my rut was coming and I acted as if I didn't and I marked her." Hisashi laughed. "I ruined her and the thought gives me so much happiness."

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