Chapter Two

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"You look ravishing." An Alpha commented, his eyes looking directly at the necklace that adorned Izuku's neck.

"Thank you." Izuku bowed, his backside hurting from the impact of the falling on the ground. He didn't think he had fallen that hard, but the Omega had to resist a whimper as he stood straight up.

"Prince Izuku.. I must say, you are the kind of Omega I am looking for. Beautiful, smart.. wealthy." The Alpha commented, his brown hair neatly styles as his eyes were almost undressing Izuku.

"Ah Prince Shindo..." Movement from across the room caught the attention Izuku. "Please excuse me." With a head nod of the greedy Alpha, Izuku left the ballroom, chasing after his target as fast as he could with his injury.

"Kacchan!" Izuku called out once the Alpha was close enough.

"I've asked you to not address me as such, His Majesty." Katsuki bowed, earning a bow from Izuku in return.

"I need to be escorted to my room, Kacchan." Izuku commented, ignoring the request of the blonde Alpha. "I have a meeting with Master Shouta that I must change my clothing for."

"Oh? In the middle of your event?" The Alpha asked, looking at the details of the prince.

Katsuki wished he were royalty.

Then he could marry the Omega who had caught his attention, many years ago, while they were younger. The two had met when they were five, and Izuku being the airhead he was when caught up in something that interested him, had wandered too far off from the castle. Thugs had came to him, ready to harm and possibly assault the pretty boy, when Katsuki had intervened. The rest was history.

"No one here has my attention. None has what I want in an Alpha." Izuku said, walking side by side with Katsuki, telling his hammering heart to calm down.

There was only one Katsuki. Of course no one else had his attention.

"Silly me." Katsuki hummed, before glancing over to the Omega. "Why are you limping, His Majesty?"

"That is not my name." Izuku ignored, silently cursing himself for not hiding the injury better.

"Please answer the question, His Majesty—"

"That is not my name." Izuku stopped walking and stared at the Alpha, their faces close. The two were now outside of Izuku's room, and Katsuki leaned closer to the Omega, catching the greenette off guard. As Izuku stumbled backwards, blushing, Katsuki took that opportunity to push the door open and allow the two to go in the room. Katsuki sighed, before locking and closing the door behind him.

"Deku, what the hell happened?" Katsuki asked, his normal behavior and ruthlessness in speech returning.

"Was that so hard, Kacchan?" He smiled, ticking the Alpha off. "What do you think?" It was not a hidden fact that Hisashi had put his hands on the prince and Inko. But no one was allowed to interfere. Not if they wanted to live.

"Damn that stupid Alpha. I'll kill him." Katsuki growled, letting off angry pheromones. "Hurting you, over what? Stupid shit?"

"Hey, Kacchan." Izuku walked up to the Alpha, releasing soothing and calming pheromones, in an attempt to calm the raging Alpha. "I'll be okay, alright? I'd rather it be me than my mother." He cupped Katsuki face into his hands. "Relax."

Izuku was internally freaking out.

The last time he had gotten this close to the Alpha was months ago, before he left for a battle he had. Izuku was terrified, but was more than happen to see that he only returned with scars. At least he still had his life.

Katsuki's jaw was chiseled, causing the Omega to gulp. His crimson eyes were boring into Izuku's, the intensity of them seemingly overwhelming. His hair had gotten longer, a little past his ears and Izuku was tempted to play in it, haven't being able to do so in years.

Izuku unintentionally looked at Katsuki's lip, which were inviting, as the Alpha smirked.

"I'd be careful, Prince. You're releasing lust pheromones." Katsuki enjoying the trance he had the Omega. He decided to see how far he could take it and placed his large hand over Izuku's hands, which were still on his face. "This is a dangerous game you're playing."

Besides, Katsuki knew Izuku wasn't looking for an Alpha. He turned down every offer given to him. Katsuki knew he didn't have a chance, but if Izuku was going to tease him, he knew this would be the only way to share a kiss with the Omega.

Izuku bit back a moan, his body becoming hot. "Who said I was playing, Kacchan?" He saw Katsuki's eye twitch, and the two began leaning closer together, closing the proximity of their lips.

Before their lips touched, a bang was heard at Izuku's door, causing the Alpha to push Izuku back as the door swung open. Hisashi walked in, eyeing the two.

"What the fuck is taking so long?" He looked at his son, before smelling the air and scoffing. "Being a whore, I see. Aren't you supposed to be outside, looking for an Alpha." He saw Izuku staring at a spot on the ground before speaking up. "Answer me."

"I was, Father. I was uninterested."

"You don't get to be uninterested. Especially when you're going to open your legs to this Alpha." He sneered at Katsuki, who was clenching his fist tightly. "Should you be in here, Bakugo?"

"I requested him. I wasn't doing anything with him. I promise—" Hisashi punched Izuku in the stomach, causing the Omega to cry out and fall to the ground. He looked at his father with hateful eyes, and he struggled to stand up.

"Did I not warn you earlier?" He rolled up his sleeves, preparing to hit Izuku more, when the sound of a blade being unsheathed was heard. "Oh?"

Katsuki had his dagger, pointed at Hisashi's neck.

"N-no. N-no Katsuki!" Izuku cried, standing up on wobbly legs. He stood in front of his Father and the love of his life. "Put it away!"

"You are not allowed to harm the Prince." Katsuki said, his eyes swirling with malice. His voice was tight, as if he was holding in all his anger.

"Katsuki!" Izuku begged, but the blonde Alpha ignored him once more.

"Do you not value your life?" Hisashi asked, a grin on his face.

"That should be my question to you. Who do you think you are?" Katsuki warned, coming closer to the corrupted King, angry pheromones surrounding the both of them.

"KATSUKI!" Izuku yelled, loud enough to be heard three corridors down. "Let it go!" He pushed the blonde Alpha away from his father, the fear of the blonde Knight getting executed making Izuku dreadful.

"I'd listen to him, Bakugo. Unless you want your head on a platter." Hisashi looked Katsuki up and down before speaking his next words: "Next time you defy me, not only will I send your head serves on a silver platter to your parents, I'll make sure to have this one here watch." He grabbed at Izuku's jaw, squeezing it with so much pressure, it was sure to leave a mark. "Since you two are so worried for each other."

"Do I make myself clear?" Hisashi asked releasing the hold on his sons jaw.

"Katsuki... please.." Izuku mumbled, the urge to cry becoming stronger.

"I understand, my King." Katsuki growled, not bearing to see the sorrowful look on the Omegas face.

"You're lucky I cannot kill you now. Your parents would no longer work with us." Hisashi snarled, before smiling wickedly. "However, that doesn't mean you don't walk away with no repercussions."

"Omega," Hisashi stated, catching them both off guard. "Prepare yourself. I have found you a mate."

To Be Continued
1295 Words

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