Chapter Fourty

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"It's okay." Fuyumi comforted, the Omega sobbing on the floor.

"I-it hurts!" Izuku cried, his Alpha releasing soothing pheromones. "W-why does i-it hurt?"

Shouta and Yagi had left to retrieve the gurney.

"Because, you're body is not meant for  pregnancy, little listener." Yamada said, sadly. When he had Shinso, he remembered the excruciating pain he had felt. Although male Omegas could get pregnant, their bodies weren't made for pushing a baby out. It was rather inconvenient. And honestly rather the worst thing a male Omega could experience.

"It's okay, baby." Inko reassured, her heart hurting for her son crying from the pain.

Izuku curled against Katsuki, black spots dancing against his vision. "I...I can't..." Izuku breathed out, his body breaking out into a sweat.

"Midoriya!" Shouta called out, gaining the attention of everyone in the hall. Yagi pushed the gurney, Katsuki and Inko helping the crying Omega to his feet.

"That's it, Deku. You're doing great." Katsuki encouraged, his heart dropping when Izuku suddenly went limp in Katsuki's and Inko's grasp. "Deku?!"

"Do not worry." Fuyumi said, helping them hoist Izuku onto the gurney. "The pain caused him to pass out. Ms. Chiyo is ready to perform the C-Section surgery."

"Don't worry?" Katsuki asked, looking at his pale Omega. "He's passed out for fucks sake!"

"He's okay!" Inko urged, allowing Yagi, Shouta and Fuyumi to take Izuku to the infirmary. "He's okay, and you need to realize that. His body can only deal with so much."

"She's right, kid." Mitsuki said, walking towards her son. She picked up the fallen crown off the floor. "And oddly enough..." She glanced at the bud clock hanging over the dance hall doorway. "It's a couple hours until midnight. Your pup could either be delivered today, which is your wedding, or early morning into tomorrow."

"Just calm down." Masuru promised. "Fuyumi and Ms. Chiyo have always done a good job. They will do a great job at making sure your child is safe."

"And your husband." Inko promised, holding Katsuki's hand. "They're going to be safe, alright?"

As Katsuki nodded, Kirishima stood up. He urged everyone to start heading back to their rooms and Kingdoms.

"I know it's very short noticed, but Midoriya is going into labor.  As much as we'd love to continue celebrating this joyous day, we cannot do so without him." Kirishima said, his friends immediately understanding.

"Thank you." Katsuki thanked.

"Of course. Now go, I'll handle things here, but your Omega needs you."


Mina sat rocking Kenichi, the babyboy sucking on her breast. Kirishima sat next to her, his hand resting on her thigh.

"You handled the situation very well, baby." Mina said, her eyes meeting Kirishima's.

"Well of course. Someone had to act fast and it was a very intimate moment." Kirishima kissed the side of her head. "You think they're okay?"

"I hope so." Mina said truthfully, looking at her son. "Nichi needs a playmate."

Kirishima chuckled. "Yeah he does."

Everyone else had went to their rooms, or stayed back to clean up.

It was at least one o'clock in the morning, no news had been heard of about Izuku's delivery. As Kirishima and Mina sat in their room, a rapid knocking was heard, alarming both of them.  "Come in." They said in unison.

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