Chapter Thirty- Two

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Izuku pouted, as he watched Katsuki sleep.

Izuku had woke up before Katsuki, the Omega whimpering as he was struck with another wave.

He felt bad waking Katsuki up, but after feeling what is was like to have sex during his heat, the lust filled Omega couldn't get it out of his head.

"Hmph..." Izuku groaned, rubbing his legs together, applying pressure to his throbbing cock. He climbed onto his sleeping Alpha, and sat on his thighs. He rested his hands on Katsuki's broad chest, rubbing his small hands on Katsuki's body. Izuku moaned, feeling the muscles under his touch and he whimpered again.

Izuku couldn't handle it.

"Kacchan..." Izuku mumbled, placing light kisses on Katsuki's jaw. "Wake up." Izuku whined. "I need you."

Katsuki shifted in his sleep, but not waking up fully.

"Kacchan." Izuku tried again, slowly starting grind on his Alpha. "Please wake up."

Katsuki groaned, slowly opening one eye, chuckling seeing Izuku on top of him. "Hey, kitten." Izuku moaned at Katsuki's raspy voice, kissing his lips immediately. Izuku began applying more pressure, grinding on Katsuki's cock and earning grunts from his Alpha. "Another wave? I hope you weren't up for too long." Katsuki spoke against Izuku's lips, and Izuku shook his head.

"No not too long." He sat upwards and began to get off of Katsuki's lap. "Can I please?" Izuku asked, palming Katsuki's cock. After last night, apparently the two never got dressed, but Katsuki had indeed cleaned them up last night.

"It's yours. Have fun with my cock, Deku." Katsuki smirked, watching Izuku practically drool over Katsuki's erection. Izuku slowly made his way to it, his eyes darting towards Katsuki as he took Katsuki's cock into his mouth. "Hm... good job, kitten."

"Mmph." Izuku hummed, going at a pace that he found suitable. He felt Katsuki put his hand on his hair, and he was moving Izuku's hair out of his face.

"Fuck." Katsuki panted, feeling Izuku skillfully swirl his tongue around Katsuki's shaft, before engulfing his cock once more. Izuku pulled away from Katsuki's cock with a pop, saliva dripping from his lips. Izuku smiled, his cheeks burning red. "Aren't you excited?"

"Mhm..." Izuku hummed appreciatively, before taking Katsuki back into his mouth. His small hands felt on Katsuki's thigh, running fingers in small circles to tease his Alpha.

"You're gonna make me cum, baby." Katsuki warned, his eyes never leaving Izuku as he deep throated him. The Omega not having a gag reflex, his movement causing Katsuki to groan and unintentionally place his hand on Izuku's head again. "Can I throat fuck you?" His voice was raspy, his breathing quick.

"Mhm." Izuku agreed in response, moaning as Katsuki thrust his hips, Katsuki's thick cock hitting the back of Izuku's throat. Izuku rested his hands on Katsuki's thigh, steadying himself as Katsuki curled his fingers into Izuku's scalp. "Fuck, fuck." Katsuki warned, before shooting his cum into Izuku's throat.

Izuku stilled, allowing Katsuki to empty his load. Once Katsuki was done, Izuku sat upwards, licking and wiping the access cum that was dripping down his chin with his finger. Izuku's eyes were lustful, licking the cum of his finger as he sat on Katsuki's cock. Katsuki could feel the slick leaking from Izuku's entrance.

"Sucking my dick made you excited, huh?" Katsuki smirked, pulling Izuku down to kiss him.

"Yes. Only for you. I get excited for you only." Izuku spoke low, taking Katsuki's cock, and rubbing his bulbous head against his entrance, teasing himself. "Mhm..."

"Yeah?" Katsuki started to get hard again.

How could he not, when he had the most beautiful Omega across the lands, losing himself on top of him?

"Oh Gods yes." Izuku couldn't care less how inappropriate he may have sounded. Izuku's heat was at its highest, and he wanted nothing more to be filled by his Alpha. "Only you. Only you can call me yours."

"Say it again, baby." Katsuki growled as Izuku pushed his cock inside of himself. Katsuki couldn't understand how Izuku felt so tight, as the day they both lost their virginity together, but it was a blissful experience. "Remind me one more time."

"I'm yours!" Izuku cried out, lowering himself on Katsuki's cock, his hands resting on Katsuki's shoulders. "I'm yours! A-and you're mines! No one else could touch me... and no one can touch you!"

"That's right." Katsuki thrusted upwards, meeting Izuku as he rode him. Izuku was crying, his cheeks red and the room swarming with pheromones. Izuku's cries and skin slapping was all that could be heard, with Katsuki's occasional grunts. "I'm all yours, Deku."

"Yes! Yes, all mines!" Izuku sobbed, his prostate being hit repeatedly, the sensation his body feeling overwhelming divine. He knew he was going to cum soon, he was already on the verge of cumming just from giving Katsuki a blowjob and he hadn't even been touched yet aside from kisses.

"Are you close? I feel you twitching around my dick." Katsuki huffed, his hand reaching up to grab Izuku's jaw and pull him down for a kiss.

"Yes. Knot, give me your knot!" Izuku begged, his mind being swarmed with the idea of being pregnant.

"Anything for you, baby." Katsuki agreed, his thrust becoming sloppy.

"A-ah! I'm gonna—" Izuku warned before cumming, a cry leaving his lips as he did. The Omega arched his back, his eyes rolling back.

Katsuki continued to thrust inside the Omega as he came, the euphoric scene in front of Katsuki pushing him over the edge. With one last thrust, he came inside the Omega, waves of cum shooting inside of him. Katsuki's knot pushed past Izuku's ring of muscles, locking the two together.

Izuku and Katsuki panted, the Omega sitting atop of Katsuki. "You okay?"

"Y-yes." Izuku breathed out, his lustful state of mind leaving. "I-I become so..."

"Hm?" Katsuki questioned, holding Izuku's hand. "What's up?"

"D-during my heat... I become so... slutty." Izuku said, saying such a word feeling foreign to

"You aren't slutty, Izuku." Katsuki reassured immediately. "All Omegas get like that, right? That's how you are. It's no different from an Alpha in fucking rut."

"Well yeah." Izuku agreed. "But, Alphas are seen as superior beings. And Omegas are just 'whores' and 'sluts'." Izuku shook his head, whining when Katsuki suddenly sat up, the knot tugging inside of him.

"That's because of how fucking stupid societal standards are. Luckily for the Midoriya Kingdom," Katsuki placed light peppery kisses on Izuku's lips. "All the Omegas have someone who's going to change that. A beautiful, strong Omega who is unstoppable."

Izuku held onto Katsuki's jaw, their eyes soft as they looked at each other. "You'll help me?"

"Oh of course. You don't have to question that, baby." Katsuki's voice was soft and tender, but held a strong sense of power to it: almost reassuring Izuku how true he was. "I'll do anything for you, and I'll do anything with you."

"Hm.." Izuku smiled like a idiot. "Let me put makeup on you then."

"Eh," Katsuki stifled a laugh. "Maybe not that. But almost everything, baby."

The two laid in bed, waiting for Izuku's next wave to come, Katsuki only leaving once his knot deflated and to grab them food. The two felt content, and happy. Things were going at a pace that was happy, and endearing for them.

All would be well.

To Be Continued
1235 Words

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