Chapter Three

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"A what..." Izuku felt his heart drop, looking at Katsuki as if he heard the same information he had. The blonde Alpha was wide-eyed physically shaking as angry pheromones were leaking from him. "B-but Father—"

"His Majesty." A voice said from the broken door, being none other than Kirishima, another knight who had worked in the palace. "The suitor is here."

Kirishima couldn't look Katsuki and Izuku in the face. He knew how they felt for each other. Everyone could tell.

"Good." Hisashi said, grabbing Izuku's arm tightly, and dragging him out of him of his bedroom.

"N-no. Stop, I d-don't want this!" Izuku cried, attempting to pull his arm back.

"That's too bad." Hisashi continued to drag his son, getting rather tired of his squirming and whining. "Stop struggling, Omega."

Izuku froze, realizing that his father had used his Alpha voice on him.

This was going to happen. And there was nothing that Izuku or anyone for that matter, could do about it.

"Not hard, was it?" He smirked at the tears rolling down his sons, cheeks. "I'll be nice. Say goodbye." He released the hold on Izuku and the Omega didn't even move, dread filling his entire being. "I'll go greet them. Kirishima, make sure they don't leave."

Kirishima gulped, not looking at his friends. "Of course, My King."

Once Hisashi was far away, Kirishima bowed down. "I-I'm so sorry. I'll give you space." He stepped into the hallway, giving Izuku and Katsuki the privacy they could get. Well, as much privacy you could get with a broken door.

"Deku.." Katsuki started to walk to the shattered looking Omega. "I-Im so fucking sorry. I shouldn't have challenged him and then this wouldn't have happened and it's all my—"

"Kacchan..." Izuku cried, finding comfort in the Alpha he had fallen for years ago. "I-I don't want a mate that's not..."

He didn't want a mate that wasn't Katsuki.

"Damn it!" Katsuki yelled, knowing he couldn't stop this. "I can't do this..." Katsuki pulled the Omega close to him, wanting comfort in him.

"Take this." Katsuki suddenly said, offering him his necklace he was gifted once he was deemed a Knight. "Please, take it."

The jewel was beautiful, a blood red ruby on a golden chain. "I-I—"

Katsuki put the necklace on the Omega, not giving him a choice. "Please."

Izuku wiped at his tears, not daring to break eye contact with the Alpha. His heart hurt, more than words can even explain. "I love you." He whispered, catching the Alpha by surprise. Izuku took a deep breath, before grabbing Katsuki's shirt and pulling him closer to himself.

Their lips collided and time stopped.

Izuku was shocked, to say the least. He couldn't believe he had found the courage to do something as surprising as this. It took at lot of willpower and just when he thought Katsuki may not have wanted this, Katsuki placed his hand on Izuku's waist and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss.

The two pulled apart, resting their foreheads on each other. Izuku's cheeks were red, his lips still feeling the sensation of Katsuki's own lips on them. "It was bound to happen, Kacchan. I'm sure he had the mate already planned." Izuku sobbed.

"Izuku?" His mother said, walking into the shattered room. She ran over there as fast as she could, once she heard the nerve that Hisashi had. "Izuku..."

He smiled, tears still leaving his eyes. He pulled away from Katsuki, and hugged his mother. The Omegas cried, hating that this one man had so much power. "I'm gonna kill him." Katsuki growled, before turning to leave.

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