Chapter Twenty-Three

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Inko held onto the crying Eri, the little girl hoping her father would be okay. The sirens going off in the castle frightened everyone. Yagi gave Inko a kiss on the cheek, something that even surprised her, before running off and making sure the intruders wouldn't harm them.

She had hoped Izuku and Katsuki were alright.

"M-Ms. Inko..." Eri said, wiping her tears. Inko looked at her, urging her to go on. "I-is my Daddy going to d-die?"

"No, my love." Inko reassured immediately. "You're Daddy is a good and strong fighter. He's going to come back."

Inko wasn't sure how many men had come into her castle. How many of these intruders were going to kill her people.

The thought alone almost made her cry.

Inko took a deep breath, and held Eri closer to her. "You're doing great, sweetie. Only a little longer."

Hopefully everyone was okay.

Kirishima, heaved, holding an unconscious Katsuki on his back. Katsuki was pale, and if Kirishima was being honest, he wasn't sure if there was a heartbeat.

When the attackers, who were none other than the League of Villains, and some of low-life crooks they hired, had finally left the castle was a battlefield.

Katsuki was one of the top fighters.

Everyone who had trained under Shouta and Yagi were worthy fighters. The two Alphas had made sure they were nothing but able to not only protect themselves but the things they hold close to them.

Shinso ran into Kirishima as he walked to the infirmary. "How's Bakugo?"

"I.. I don't know." Kirishima panted.

Shinso looked at Katsuki's injury and paled. "Did he...?"

"Yeah. Found him like this. How's Midoriya? I know he would want to be by Bakugo's side."

"There is no Midoriya."

Kirishima stopped walking and looked at Shindo incredulously. "What do you mean 'there is no Midoriya'?"

"Exactly as I said." Shinso held the door open for Kirishima as they made it to the infirmary. "The window was busted. And there was blood on the floor." Shinso sighed, looking dreadful. "Midoriya's gone."

Fuyumi walked up to Kirishima and Shinso and gasped when she saw the extent of the injuries. Her heat finished shortly after the League left so she was still a bit out of it, but not enough to not help people.

"Oh my Gods." She snapped out of her trance, allowing Kirishima to lay Katsuki on the table. "They're gone, right?"

"Yes. And they took Midoriya." Kirishima said grimly. "They fucking took him."

"Imagine how Bakugo will react. We have to plan to get him back. Does anyone know anything about them?" Shinso said, cursing as no one answered. "Great. Fucking great."

"I'm sure Bakugo will fight." Kirishima said, looking at the blonde Alpha.

"Yeah well," Fuyumi said, furrowing her eyebrow. "He can't fight like this."

Katsuki was covered in blood, his chest slowly rising and falling. His shoulder had a gnash on it, not too deep to cause any major problems. His thigh, looked burned, the clothing black around the edges. His blonde hair was matted, the blood starting to dry in it.

Not to mention that Katsuki was missing his arm.

His right arm, from the forearm down was completely gone.

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