Chapter Thirteen

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"Here to kill me?" Hisashi asked, his arms and legs restrained. The group looked at Hisashi with a look of satisfaction, seeing the corrupted Alpha chained up.

"What do you think?" Kirishima asked, closing and locking the door to the execution room. The faint smell of decay lingered in the air, the smell upsetting their stomachs, but it was manageable.

"You're making a mistake, killing me." Hisashi began to bargain. He knew it wasn't looking good for him at the moment, the more he could prolong it, the better.

"Is that so?" Iida asked, fixing his glasses on his face.

"Why, of course!" Hisashi laughed, the action ticking off Katsuki. "After all, why'd you want that Omega to run things, huh?"

"Which one?" Shoto asked, getting close to Hisashi bruised face. "The one who is causing a revolution, or the one you forced to mark and mate with you because you decided to be a dick and trick her?" Shoto asked with hidden anger.

"You forced... Queen Inko to mate with you?" Kaminari asked slowly, his eyes wide.

"I simply didn't tell her my rut. And when it hit, she had no choice. That's on her—" Hisashi didn't finish talking because Katsuki took his leg and roundhouse kicked him in the face.

"You're a fucking bastard!" Katsuki roared, brutally punching Hisashi in the face. Hisashi cried out in pain, the cry out not even fazing the group who just watched it happen. Once Katsuki finally felt like he had managed to get enough hits in, he took a step back, watching as Hisashi coughed blood up. "I can't wait to kill your ass."

Hisashi heaved a heavy breath, before his eyes landed on Katsuki once more. "I have .. I have men who didn't like me as King, sure. But I have men who adored me as King and what I stood for," Hisashi looked at Shoto and smiled. "Like your father. It doesn't matter if you kill me, your life will forever be filled with misery. After all.. you left your Omega alone, Bakugo."

The statement alerted the everyone, they all shared a worried look with each other. "What?" Katsuki spoke through his teeth.

"You didn't think I hadn't made any connections with Kingdoms have you? Izuku's speech not only alarmed his followers... but mines as well." Hisashi laughed again. "I mean... I can't wait until they break him. Make him hate himself more than he already does."

"Find them." Katsuki spoke to no one in particular, hearing the door unlock and close once more. He took a look back and saw that Shoto and Kirishima were the ones that left. He looked back at the smiling Alpha, and couldn't even fathom what was going through his head.

"Can you kill me? I mean, if you do... what makes you so different from me?" Hisashi asked, watching Katsuki unsheath his sword. "Are you capable of doing what your Omega had the opportunity to do, but failed?"

Katsuki looked at the poor wrappings around Hisashi's throat. He smiled before looking at Hisashi with a malicious look. "See you in Hell." He quickly took his sword reopened the poorly stitched gnash on Hisashi's throat and then taking the sword and burying deep into Hisashi's chest, aiming straight for his heart.

Hisashi's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe Katsuki had actually done it, before blood spurted from his mouth and he began choking on it. He thrashed around, attempting to break free from the chains that bound him. His eyes began to droop, and he suddenly went still. His body was limp, blood leaking from his wounds and Iida went and placed his head close to Hisashi's chest. He looked back and shook his head.

Hisashi Midoriya was officially dead.

Katsuki took his sword and wiped the blood on the remains of Hisashi's clothes and put it away. He looked at Kaminari and Iida. "Let's fucking go."

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