Chapter Fourteen

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"You okay?" Katsuki asked, once Izuku was in his room. The Omega laid in Katsuki bed, the Alpha's scent the only think that was comforting for him.

Izuku didn't answer, simply looked at a spot on the wall.

Katsuki frowned, knowing Izuku was probably going to be traumatized. "Move over, baby."

The pet name caused Izuku to slightly blush, but he moved over, allowing Katsuki to crawl in bed, and spoon Izuku. He pulled Izuku to chest, the Omegas back pressed against Katsuki's large frame. Katsuki scented Izuku, the action causing Izuku to instantly relax. It had been so long since they had scented. It had been so long since they had saw each other. So long being apart.

"I missed you." Izuku whispered, holding Katsuki's hands as the were on Izuku's chest. "I missed you so much."

"I know, Deku. I missed you too." Katsuki spoke against Izuku's nape, pressing light kisses on it. Not enough to make Izuku all flustered but enough to convey his emotions in that position.

"I'm glad you're okay." Izuku barely spoke, his eyes shutting close, the image of the bloodied Sero in his mind. "I wish I could've saved him."

Katsuki stayed quiet, feeling Izuku snuggle closer to him. "It's my fault he's dead."

"Izuku, stop it." Katsuki couldn't take it, hearing Izuku blame himself for Sero's death. "No one thinks that."

"No one has to think that, Kacchan. I know that it's my fault!" Izuku began to cry again, hating himself for continuing to get emotional. "He said it was an honor protecting me. I don't want any of my friends dying for me! Dying to protect me, especially because I'm a stupid Prince!" Izuku sobbed, untangling himself from Katsuki's warm and comforting embrace before hiding in the bathroom.

"Izuku." Katsuki called out to the emotional Omega, before a knock was heard, and Kirishima walked into Katsuki's corridor, Iida right behind him. "How is he?"

"Hasn't said much. Master Shouta and Yamada are with him." Iida answered, before looking around. "Where's Midoriya?"

"Bathroom. Blames himself. You know how that goes." Katsuki grimaced, before sighing. "You guys know how Deku is."

"Yeah, yeah. We know." Kirishima put his sword down, stretching his arms out. "So, we have an estimate of all the men who could be here to make sure Midoriya doesn't take the crown."

"Tch. Fucking losers." Katsuki scoffed. "Who you got?"

"Definitely the Yo Kingdom." Iida confirmed. "Shortly after the death of Sero, he fled. No one has heard anything nor seen anything about him."

"He's a coward." Kirishima stated, shrugging his shoulders. "Simple as that." As the others nodded their head, Kirishima continued. "Then we have weird one. Some people are following Enji Todoroki but some are following Shoto, so kind of like that's happening with Midoriya's Kingdom."

"Then, there's the exiled group." Iida interrupted.

"Exiled?" Katsuki asked, his head turning to see Izuku walk out the bathroom. "You okay, baby?"

Iida and Kirishima bowed, as Izuku slowly nodded. "I'm okay."

He was definitely not okay.

"The uh, exiled group, are a bunch of random people from all over different Kingdoms. They managed to get away from their death sentences." Kirishima continued, the news shocking Katsuki and Izuku.

Izuku managed to sit back on the bed, leaning into the comfort of Katsuki. "No one escapes their death sentences. It doesn't matter how clever you are, it's impossible. Do you have anything on them?" Izuku asked, his voice timid.

"Their names and status and crimes. That's all."
Iida said, pulling out folded papers out of his pocket.

"That's more than enough. Read it off." Katsuki hummed, his arm wrapping around Izuku.

"Starting off with the man in charge apparently, is Shigaraki Tomura." Iida handed around a picture of a man with pale blue hair and red eyes. Around his eyes were patches of dry skin, his neck covered in scratches. "That isn't his real name, but an alias."

"He dropped his name after he killed his family. Older sister, mother, father and grandparents." Kirishima grimaced. "He was a child."

"A kid?" Katsuki was shocked to say the least. "How can a kid do all of that?"

"Not sure. But since then, he's been on a spree, and he's an Alpha, so Izuku stay away. If he uses his Alpha Voice on you it's done." Iida warned, watching Izuku nod his head. "Next there is Himiko Toga." Iida handed out the next picture, a picture of a girl with messy blonde hair and golden eyes. Her eyes were maniacal, her teeth sharp and dangerous as she smiled.

"She is an Omega. She has a fixation with blood."
Kirishima said.

Katsuki furrowed his brows. "Blood?"

"Yes." Kirishima continued. "She attacked a kid around her age while in trying to drink his blood. Kinda creepy. Kinda like Dracula, if you think about it."

"Gross." Katsuki muttered, his eyes not leaving the girls picture.

"Yeah. Anyways," Iida handed the other picture to the group. "This is Dabi. Another alias, I'm sure." The picture showed a man with excess burns all over his body, his dark hair and blue eyes somehow captivating and ominous. "Not really sure how he got all those burns. But apparently he's responsible for over the deaths of thirty people."

"Thirty?" Izuku said astonished. "Wow."

"Another Alpha. There's more of them, but those are just the main ones with bigger cases against them. Some call them devils. Monsters. Someone came up with the name the League of Villains." Kirishima shrugged.

"League of Villains? That's tacky as fuck." Katsuki noted.

"Very tacky. But they're very dangerous. They're wanted, but not even dead or alive anymore. If anyone sees them, majority of the Kingdoms agreed for them to be killed." Iida warned.

"Killed? Wow." Izuku looked at his friends. "Did you guys ever kill my father?"

"I did." Katsuki looked at his mate for any discomfort in the news, even fear in his eyes. Except it never happened.

"Good." Izuku nodded. "Before anything, can we do something to honor the life of Sero please?"

"Of course. No need to ask, Midoriya." Iida smiled sadly. "It's only right."

"I want to see Kaminari." Izuku suddenly said, his eyes looking at the floor. "Just to talk to him."

"Maybe right now isn't the best time, Deku. He's not feeling too great." Katsuki suggested, watching Izuku lower his head. "Just give him a couple of hours right now. Then we can go."

"Will Iida and Kirishima be there?" Izuku looked at the Alphas. Both seemingly surprised by the question.

"Only if you want us there." Iida answered.

"I do."

"Then consider it done!" Kirishima grinned, the action causing Izuku to smile, even if only a little bit.

To Be Continued
1125 Words

Hey guys! Sorry for the long delay in a chapter, I've been going through a lot with me getting over my cold and then the holidays approaching. Very hard for me, and my mental health hasn't been the best, but I wanted to give you guys something. So, if it isn't the longest nor the best chapter I've written I apologize.

I don't know if I have ever mentioned this but my mother died last year. I've been living with my stepdad, and whatnot and it's been okay. But he has a new girlfriend and I don't really like her. And I've tried talking to him about her and I've only started arguing with him about it. And i feel bad because I don't know her personally but I simply just don't like the idea of her. The idea of me having to deal with anyone who isn't my mother.

Sorry, for the vent, really. I just needed to get it out. If anyone has any advice for how I can dea with this, that would be amazing beyond words.

Thank you all, I love you guys and be safe!


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