Chapter Thirty-Four

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It had been months since the whole fiasco with the League of Villains.

"Kacchan..." Izuku called out, gaining the attention of the blonde Alpha. Currently, the two were laying in bed, after a long night.

Inko finally admitted to her and Yagi dating, and the Alpha took that as an invitation to propose to her. She cried and cried, but of course accepted his marriage.

The ceremony was held yesterday, a long night of crying and celebrating was done, and Izuku was utterly exhausted. It didn't help that even being around alcohol in that moment was making him sick to his stomach. He couldn't stand the smell, and he wasn't sure why. Izuku spent most of his night with a small pout on his face, wanting to enjoy the drinking with his friends and family.

"Hm?" Katsuki asked, running his hand through Izuku's soft curls. Izuku was snuggled into Katsuki's chest, their legs intertwined. Katsuki was drunk, so Izuku made sure to clean him up and take care of him.

"I feel like crap." Izuku admitted, frowning as his stomach turned. He abruptly sat up, closing his eyes as he tried to calm his raging stomach down.

"Crap? Why?" Katsuki pondered, and before Izuku could answer, he leaned over the side of the bed, and vomited. "The hell?!" Katsuki moved quickly, ignoring his pounding headache, and rubbed circles on his mates back.

Izuku coughed, throwing up whatever little food he had left in his system before breathing heavily. He wiped his mouth with the back side of his hand. "I-I'm sorry." He stuttered embarrassingly, feeling disgusted with himself.

"Don't be." Katsuki immediately reassured, helping Izuku to his feet. With his one hand, he held Izuku's waist, being careful with him. "Let's take you to see the old lady, okay?"

"Her name is Ms. Chiyo, Kacchan." Izuku smiled weakly, watching as his mate rolled his eyes.

"Same shit." Katsuki and Izuku slowly walked to the infirmary, much against Izuku's wishes. He wasn't sure what was wrong with him, but he didn't want to be treated like porcelain. "Almost there, okay?"

"I-I'm okay." Izuku tried to reason, but quickly clamped his hand over his mouth.

Luckily they had reached the infirmary, and Katsuki quickly rushed Izuku inside. He gagged, heaving as Chiyo walked up to them. "Are you okay, Midoriya?"

"We don't fucking know!" Katsuki exclaimed, feeling antsy. He didn't like the idea of his mate suffering the way he has been, his inner Alpha raging and seething with worry.

"Relax, Bakugo." Chiyo limped, her cane clutched in her hand, the shorter older woman gaining a headache the instant Katsuki started yelling. "Direct him to the bed, okay? I'll bring him some saltines and water. Hold the waste bin close by, in case something comes up."

Katsuki didn't hesitate, leading Izuku to the bed. The Omega gagged once more, closing his eyes as tears left his eyes. His belly was start beginning to hurt, attempting to throw up on a nearly empty stomach. He almost sobbed as Chiyo walked in slowly walked back holding a box of crackers under her arm, a glass of water in her hand. "T-thank you." He croaked out, eating the cracker with much need.

"I have an idea of what's wrong but you would need to take a test." Chiyo answered, the Beta nodded her head slowly.

"He would?" Katsuki asked, and Chiyo pulled a pregnancy test out of her coat pocket, the test alarming Katsuki. "You think he's fucking..."

"It would make sense. When was his last heat?"

The question made Izuku and Katsuki freeze.

When was Izuku's last heat?

The two had been so caught up with everything that has happened, it was the last thing on their minds.

"A... a couple months ago..." Izuku mumbled, his heart racing in his chest He wanted to be pregnant, of course he had.

But he wasn't sure if Katsuki wanted a baby.

After all, they've only been together for a year. They weren't married, only marked each other. Even then, Izuku wasn't in any rush to do anything. He loved Katsuki, and the pace they were moving in was just fine.

"It could be pregnancy. Or something much more life threatening." Chiyo warmed, watching as Izuku took the test out of her hand apprehensively. "If it is pregnancy, you could choose if you want the baby or not."

"Do you need help to the bathroom?" Katsuki asked, looking at Izuku who simply stared at the pregnancy test.

"N-no." Izuku mumbled, slowly standing on his feet and trudging his way to the bathroom.

Chiyo and Katsuki were left in the room, when Chiyo spoke up. "Do you want a child?"

"I do." Katsuki answered with no hesitation. "I wanted to marry Izuku before that happened. I've been planning out a date for us, in the mountain side. You could see the whole fucking city and the stars.. Deku would love that sappy shit." He spoke in a hushed tone.

Chiyo smiled, nodding her head. "You two are growing up, no longer the children I met all those years ago."

Katsuki smirked at the old lady's sweet sentiments. "Just a little bit, yeah. You're so damn sappy."

"And you're very loud. And mean. And very—" Chiyo joked, before hearing the bathroom door open slowly. "Are you okay? What was it?"

Izuku was pale, holding the test in his hand. "It's uh..." Izuku stuttered before looking at Katsuki with tears swarming in his eyes. His bottom lip began to shake, trying to hold his composure. "It's positive."

Katsuki shot to his feet, startling Chiyo and Izuku who backed away. He knew Katsuki would never hurt him, but he was fearful he wouldn't have wanted to have a family.

"You're kidding." Katsuki breathed out, taking the test out of Izuku's hand, the Omega's heart ready to combust out of his chest. "You're fucking kidding."

Izuku couldn't take it, falling to his knees as he cried.

He wasn't sure what Katsuki wanted. He was so scared of being left, or being told to abort his baby.

"We're gonna be fucking parents!" Katsuki cheered, embracing Izuku, causing him to gasp. "Don't cry, Deku, don't cry." Katsuki wrapped his arm around Izuku tightly, feeling the shakes coming from Izuku's crying. "Why are you crying, baby?"

"I-I didn't know if you wanted pups!" Izuku wasn't sure why, but he couldn't stop crying. He was so terrified, it made his hormones wild.

"Hey, hey." Katsuki released soothing pheromones, the Alpha wiping Izuku's tears. "I do. I want pups. I want a family with you, I want everything and everything with fucking you." Katsuki reassured, his words making Izuku's breathing hitch.

"Y-you do?"

"Yes, Deku." Katsuki kissed Izuku's lips lightly, comforting his crying mate. "I fucking love you. I'm going to love our pup."

"Yeah?" Izuku bit his lip, tears welling in his eyes again, but this time from happiness.

"Of fucking course. I don't lie to you." Katsuki rubbed Izuku's cheek, getting rid of his stray tears. Izuku smiled, placing his hand over Katsuki's. "It's scary, but we're gonna be okay."

"Yes, you two will." Chiyo answered fondly. "I'm surprised you're now getting sick like this, typically you should've known two or three weeks after you two had sex for a pregnancy to happen. But sometimes, in a few occasions, people won't know until a few months in pregnancy. I'm assuming you guys would like to keep the pup?"

"Yes." Izuku and Katsuki answered at the same time, looking at the old lady. "Yes we will."

To Be Continued
1271 Words

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