Chapter Thirty-Six

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Katsuki was nervous.

He wasn't one to be nervous, but as he watched his Omega put on his coat to leave, he was second guessing himself.

Katsuki knew the two were already bonded. But he wasn't sure if legally Izuku had wanted to be his. Not it would had mattered and Katsuki wasn't into sappy shit, but he had wanted to have a wedding with Izuku.

Katsuki wanted to see Izuku dressed in his formal attire, walking down to the alter to legalize their marriage.He wanted his friends and family to witness their marriage sealed with a kiss. The thought made him smile.

"I'm ready. Where are we going again?" Izuku asked cutely, his head tilted to the side.

"It's a surprise, Deku." Katsuki pulled Izuku into a kiss. Katsuki slipped his tongue into Izuku's mouth, earning a small moan out of the Omega. Izuku couldn't help but press his body onto Katsuki's.

"Mhm..." Izuku breathed out, surprised at how the simplest of kisses made Izuku breathless. After all this time, Izuku couldn't help but blush.

"Want to stop by Mina and Kirishima's room really quickly?" Katsuki suggested, holding Izuku's hand.

"Yes. I want to see their baby!" Izuku purred, excited.

Mina had just given birth, the baby barely a couple of weeks old. After so many complications with Mina getting pregnant and miscarriages happening, she was happy to welcome a baby boy.

In fact, Izuku and Katsuki had found out that Ochaco and Iida were now expecting a baby. Ochaco was just about a month pregnant, so the two Omegas were constantly together planning, and preparing. It was chaotic to say the least.

Izuku quietly knocked on Kirishima's and Mina's door, Izuku smiling the moment Kirishima opened the door. "Hello, Midoriya, Hey Bakugo!"

"Good morning, Kirishima! How is your son?" Izuku asked, following Kirishima inside.

"He's... a handful." Kirishima yawned, looking at Mina who sat on her bed breast feeding their son. "He doesn't seem to like sleep."

"Hey guys..." Mina said sleepily, her eyes having bags under them. "Sorry for having my boob out."

"Don't apologize! It's all natural!" Izuku reassured immediately, preening at the Beta. "How's motherhood?"

"Exhausting. I love it." Mina said honestly, looking at her son. "Bakugo, Midoriya.. meet our son Kenichi."

There sucking on his mothers breast for his feeding, was a strong healthy baby. His hair was was black, a straight copy of his fathers natural hair color. His eyes watched Mina, his irises a beautiful shade of gold. His eyes twinkled with innocent and purity, and Izuku couldn't help but cry.

"He's beautiful." Izuku breathed out, wiping his tears.

"Would you like to hold him?" Mina offered, watching as Izuku sat on the bed next to her. "Okay hold his head like this, be gentle."

She placed her son in Izuku's arms, putting away her breast. Izuku's eyes were soft, his smile was tender as he spoke incoherent words.

"You're going to be a great parent." Kirishima commented, the Beta and red haired Alpha wasn't aware that Izuku was pregnant.

"Yes you will. Hurry and get pregnant, Izuku. Ochaco is pregnant too now, ya know." Mina watched Izuku smile fondly.

"I am pregnant. About two months, just hitting three."

"What?!" Kirishima and Mina exclaimed in unison, looking at Katsuki for confirmation, who simply nodded his head. "Oh my Gods, congratulations!"

"Hey Bakugo, congrats man!" Kirishima smacked Katsuki's back.

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