Chapter Eight

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Katsuki fell to his knees.

There he was, his everything. The sole purpose of this fight. He was safe, he was there...

He couldn't smell his scent.

Katsuki immediately thought the worse and could barely contain the sob that ran through his body. His body hurt. His everything hurt. Black spots danced in front of his eyes and his breathing was ragged. He could focus— why couldn't he smell Izuku? Was he marked? The scent he constantly found comfort in was undetectable, why—

"Kacchan!" Izuku ran to the Alphas side, immediately when smelling the distress pheromones. The anguish on Katsuki's face broke Izuku's heart. It was only then, Izuku felt his heart stop.

Katsuki was badly injured. His skin ripped open on his wrist, his back and legs were covered is whip lashes. His eye swollen and bruises and cuts littered his torso and body. Izuku was surprised to see him still alive at this point. He glanced at his friends who seemed to be watching as well, and with horror realized they looked no better. Sero ran to Kaminari, and held him close. The Beta leaning into the black haired Alpha.

"I'm not marked." Izuku unexpectedly declared, his words taking everyone by surprise.

"But Midoriya.. you were with the suitor at least two months. How is that possible?" Iida asked, happy to see his friend alive and back in his home.

"The suitor was Shoto Todoroki." Izuku continued, watching Katsuki's eyes widen. "He is like us, Kacchan. He didn't want to mate or mark me. We've never did anything. It was our plan to return me here and gather our troops to fight."

"We had to stuff Midoriya in a crate." Sero added, shrugging his shoulders.

Izuku couldn't help but laugh, at the bewildered looks on their faces. "Did you all expect me to be able to walk back inside my Kingdom?"

"But your scent..." Katsuki said slowly, looking down at the ground.

"Covered with patches. I'm still your Omega." Izuku said proudly, blush tinting his cheeks.

"Since we're here.." Katsuki sighed before pointing at Kaminari and looking at Sero and Izuku. "I kissed him."

"What?" Sero and Izuku said in unison, the Beta seeing the situation escalate in his head.

"He didn't mean it like that!" Kaminari stood in between everyone, waving his hands. "Look, I don't know Alphas and how their heads work, but I've never seen Bakugo get like how he was. He wasn't thinking clearly. He didn't mean it okay? Right, Bakugo?"

"It meant nothing." Katsuki agreed looking at Izuku. The Omega looked hurt but otherwise didn't say anything.

"Now isn't the time to talk about it. We must leave." Sero said, regardless helping Katsuki to his feet. He isn't too mad at Katsuki, seeing that what Katsuki was feeling was the anxiety and despair an Alpha felt when their mate wasn't nearby. In the heat of the moment, whoever is nearby, will help said Alpha move past their emotions.

"I agree." Kirishima said, looking around the dark cellar. "Hisashi is knocked out right now, right?"

"Yes." Shouta answered blandly, watching Izuku's eyes widened. The sleepy Alpha couldn't help but smirk. "It felt great to beat his ass."

"What about Shinso and Yamada?" Izuku stood, leading the others to the mic room. "I don't want them to get hurt."

"Listen, little listener," Yamada began, smiling softly. "We're grown enough to make our own decisions. I trust Sho and he trust me. And Shinso is with Eri in a neighboring Kingdom, I'm sure. All we know is that your father has to leave. And we're all willing to make sure that it gets done, okay?"

Izuku felt his throat tighten up. "Okay."

Gods please protect them, Izuku prayed silently.

"I will be making my announcement, and Sero will lead you all to Fuyumi, Shoto's sister. She's a nurse, and will tend to all of your wounds. Master Shouta I want you to go as well, just to make sure you aren't hurt." Izuku sighed. "I will make sure he gets off the throne. One way or another."

"Just don't get yourself killed before doing so."
Iida said bowing, following Sero as he led the others to where Fuyumi was staying.

Everyone said remarks of good luck to Izuku's way, and soon the only two left in the room were Katsuki and Izuku.

"You should be going, Kacchan. You're hurt." Izuku pouted, looking at the blonde Alpha.

"Are you mad I kissed Kaminari?" Katsuki said, his eye barely managing to stay open. Walking with his injuries were more than painful, but he had to know.

"Not mad. Hurt. But I understand. It's alright."

"It didn't mean anything." Katsuki slowly walked to Izuku.

"I know. I believe you, Kacchan. Please go to the infirmary. She's staying there." Izuku wanted nothing more than to be around Katsuki, but right now the Alpha could barely stand, he knew his wounds had to be tended to. "Please, Kacchan.."

Katsuki stood in front of Izuku and kissed his cheek, holding onto the Omegas shoulders for support. "I love you too." Katsuki suddenly stated, the remark taking Izuku by surprise. "I never got the chance to tell you." He looked down and saw the pendent still on Izuku's chest. "I've been dying to tell you, Izuku. I fucking love you so much."

Izuku smiled sadly, tears welling in his eyes. "Mark me."

Katsuki's eyes widened. "I-I'm sorry. I think I lost too much blood—"

"My heat. Once my father is off the throne and out of our hair and all this is over, I want you to mark me. And make me yours forever."

"Are you fucking sure, Deku?" Katsuki was breathless. This was such a major decision and it seriously had to be thought through. "Like... this is a major fucking thing, Deku."

"I know. I know." Izuku sighed, wrapping his arms around Katsuki's waist before placing a tender kiss on his lips. "I've thought about it for a long time. It could only be you. I'll reject everyone and anyone. I'd rather die alone, than be with someone other than you."

Katsuki's heart hitched in his throat, and he smiled before closing his eyes and evidently passing out. Izuku held the Alpha in his arms, smiling at the peaceful expression on his face and struggled to lift him up.

He somehow managed to carry Katsuki on his back and stammered walking to the infirmary. The Omega was small in stature, standing merely at five feet and four inches. The Alphas large body constantly staggered over his own, at six feet tall. Carrying Katsuki on his back with no support was by far the most difficult thing Izuku has ever done.

Eventually he reached the door and clumsily pushed it open, falling and Katsuki's limp body causing more weight on him. "Hmph!" He grimaced, the loud noise alerting the others.

"Midoriya!" Sero exclaimed helping the poor Omega. "You're not hurt are you?"

"No no. I'm okay." Her turned to Fuyumi her expression wild as she looked at Katsuki. "Ms. Fuyumi are you able to help my Alpha as soon as possible?"

"Of course, Prince. The others are stable enough." She glanced at the others and smiled slightly. "Are you going to make your announcement?"

"Mhm. It has to be done. I don't want this to continue any longer than it has to." Izuku smiled before giving a simple head nod and closed the door behind him. He began sprinting to the broadcasting room, and as he made it in there, he sighed.

His nerves were shaky, and he couldn't stop shaking. He sighed, and hesitantly pressed the mic.

This was going to change everything. For better or worse.

To Be Continued
1299 Words

Happy Halloween Guys!! Be safe and Love you all!


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