Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"He said we should leave, and he'll be okay." Kirishima mumbled, shaking his head. "That if we find Midoriya, to take him and go home."

"We can't just leave Aizawa-sensei here!" Iida tried to reason, but to no avail.

"I know that! I don't want to!" Kirishima exclaimed. "But look at Midoriya, he can't stay like this. His leg doesn't look good, and not to mention his weight. He looks so thin."

Katsuki and Izuku had made it back to the where Tatami was staying. Immediately, Tatami offered Izuku a shower and food and somewhere to rest while they waited on everyone else.

Kaminari, Kirishima, and Iida all returned after looking. They weren't expecting to Izuku back, but they were all more than happy to see him.

As Tatami had promised, people were here looking for them, ready to fight because All for One had said so. Shouta hadn't returned yet, but he gave clear instructions for them to leave if they found Izuku. He promised he'd be okay, but his students didn't like the idea of leaving Shouta behind.

"We don't have to listen." Kaminari suggested. "We never listen to him, there's no point in starting now. We... we can't leave him."

"Bakugo." Iida called out, wanting his opinion on it.

But Katsuki wasn't paying them any mind.

Katsuki was looking over Izuku as he slept, watching Izuku's chest rise and fall. He brushed Izuku's curls out of his face, in his head counting the freckles that adorned Izuku's face. Even with the weight loss, Izuku was still the most people person in Katsuki's world.

Katsuki made sure, he promised himself, the minute they made it back to their Kingdom, he would mark Izuku. He would marry him. He would give Izuku the love he needed. He wanted to knot him, and see Izuku's belly all round with his pups.

"Bakugo." Kirishima tried this time, watching his friends eyes land on him. "What do you think?"

"I don't know." Katsuki casually answered. "I want to smash all their fucking faces in. I want to make sure Aizawa gets his ass back home." Katsuki sighed. "But I also want Izuku as far away from here as quickly as possible."

Everyone looked at the sleeping Omega. His leg was securely wrapped up, and even then, the way Izuku started to cry when putting bandages on it was very alarming. He need to be taken care of.

"You two should go." Iida offered. "He's the Prince — no soon to be the new King when he is properly coronated by Inko. He needs proper medical attention."

"He's right. We can back up Aizawa here." Kirishima happily agreed, watching Katsuki scowl.

Katsuki didn't like the idea of them staying back, he was worried if he was honest.

He sighed, and cursed under his breath. "If you fucktards die, I'm going to kill you my damn self."

"Good news, his leg doesn't need to be amputated." Fuyumi sighed in relief. "Any longer out there in the woods, then maybe, but it's good for now. It's infected, though. Really badly. I'm sure a antibiotic cream should help it. The stitches should be good to, they will get removed soon."

"Thank the Gods." Inko cried, holding Izuku's hands. She cried the moment he came back, and wouldn't leave his side as Fuyumi looked over his condition.

"He lost a lot of weight, though." Fuyumi continued. "And he's very dehydrated. I'm not too sure what his mental state is though, seeing what he went through, so you have to keep an eye on him, Bakugo."

"Tch. Don't tell me how to be an Alpha." Katsuki grumbled, but he knew Fuyumi was right.

She simply smiled, and shook her head. "I would never. Anyways, I have to go, I'll be back a little later." She said her goodbyes and left Inko and Katsuki in the room.

"Thank you..." Inko croaked, her eyes puffy. "For bringing my son back."

"Of course."

"You know..." She laughed, while wiping her tears. "I'm glad it's you. You're such a good person, Katsuki. I'm glad Izuku fell in love with you."

Katsuki smiled and couldn't even say any words in return. He pulled Inko into a hug, and allowed the Omega to cry. She was stressed, not allowing herself to be okay until she knew Izuku was okay.

Mitsuki and Masuru had helped Inko, and made sure she okay along with Yagi, but everyone knew the thought of her son dead or sold off would be enough to break the woman.

When Katsuki returned with an unconscious Izuku, due from lack of sleep and proper nutrients, they alerted Inko immediately. She met them in the infirmary, along with Fuyumi.

It was a good think Fuyumi stayed along. Because the doctor for the Midoriya Kingdom was a little old lady named Chiyo Shuzenji. Her practices were so good, it was enough to make someone go to sleep afterwards.

Chiyo and Fuyumi have been working together to help everyone who has been fighting, or was injured during the League's attack.

Inko finished crying, and sat back down in the seat, her head resting on the side of the hospital bed. Her eyes drifted close, and she fell asleep, holding her sons hand.

Katsuki smiled, and left the room, gently closing the door behind himself.

He dragged his hand over his face, and decided to visit Mina.

He knocked on her door, the Beta opened it surprised.

"Hey, Pinky." Katsuki looked at her round stomach. "How are you?"

"I'm in pain. This kid won't stop moving." She smiled, letting Katsuki in her room. "But I wouldn't have it another other way."

"Three months, right?" As Mina nodded her head, Katsuki whistled. "Ah shit. You guys are gonna have a kid running around here."

Mina laughed and smiled sadly. "Yeah."

"It's been a couple of days, alright? They're okay. Shitty hair is okay."

Mina bit her lip. "But if they're not? What if something happened? I.. I don't want to raise our son by myself. I... I can't."

"You won't." Katsuki promised. "Aizawa is there, and they know how to hold their own. Shitty hair won't leave you like this. Besides, Gods forbid he doesn't come back..." He watched Mina tense up. "You're not alone. You have me, and Deku and everyone here. But you don't have to worry about that, because he's coming back, alright?"

Mina nodded her head, as if allowing Katsuki's words to soak into her head. "Midoriya's making you soft."

Katsuki laughed, the comment taking him by surprise. Soon, Mina was laughing, the two doubled over, holding their stomachs. Maybe it was the stress they had been feeling, or the fact they were both scared shitless for everyone. But laughing as hard as they did, released a knot of tension they had been feeling.

Mina wiped the tears pricking her eyes, Katsuki doing the same. He regained his breath, and nodded his head. "I fucking know. I wouldn't change it, though."

"Yeah." The two sat on her bed, and Mina rested her head on his shoulders. "Me either. Bakugo the big bad wolf, is now a little wolf cub."

"Okay, that's what we're not gonna do." Katsuki warned earning another laugh out of Mina.

"Thanks, Bakugo."

He nodded his head and patted her thigh. "Anytime. Now, stop stressing, it isn't good for the baby."

"Okay, okay. Geez, you bully."

They were going to be okay. Katsuki could only hope and pray that his friends and his teacher would come back.

He had to hope.

To Be Continued
1266 Words

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