Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Izuku arched his back, crying as Katsuki has thrusted into him.

Recently, the only other thing Izuku could do besides eat food, was want to have sex.

Beginning an Omega with his hormones didn't help.

But not that Katsuki was bothered to have sex with Izuku, even with his belly round.

"S-so deep!" Izuku cried, his ass in the air, as Katsuki pounded mercilessly into him. "I-I love it!"

"Fuck. Fuck, you feel so fucking good. So tight and wet around my dick." Katsuki husked, lowering himself down to bite down on Izuku's shoulder. His fingers were digging into Izuku's plump ass. It proved semi-difficult with Izuku's round belly, and Katsuki's missing right hand, this position was the best one.

Izuku was meeting Katsuki's thrust, the force hitting Izuku's bundles of nerves. Izuku sobbed incoherently, thanking Katsuki for being his mate. His mind as clouded, his eyes rolling back to his head.

"Cum inside!" Izuku sobbed, arching his back. "Please cum inside!"

"Yeah? Want me to fill you with all my cum?" Katsuki thrusted mercilessly, grunting.

"Yes! Oh Gods yes!" Izuku clawed at the sheets underneath, his head turned to the side as he looked back at his lover.

"You're so fucking beautiful." Katsuki couldn't help the blush that tinted his cheeks, staring at such a euphoric person. The way Izuku's body was reacting to his Alpha, his beautiful emerald eyes were half-lidded, lust and desire swirling in them. His freckled, pale skin covered in hickeys and a thin layer of sweat, the overwhelming exertion from such a blissful act was a wonderful feeling. Saliva dribbling from the side of his mouth, angelic moans and cries leaving his plump lips.

Katsuki couldn't get enough.

"More." Katsuki husked out, licking behind Izuku's ear.

Katsuki growled, thrusting at almost an inhumane pace inside of Izuku, the Omegas breathing hitching. The Omega cried out, his eyes shutting close as it happened.

"K-Kacchan!" The Omega knew he was close, the way his cock twitched, his legs shaking. "T-too much."

"You're so tight. So fucking tight." Katsuki smirked, his eyes beginning to dilate. His claws began to elongate, the Alpha piercing the skin of the Omegas ass.

"W-wait." Izuku came hard, the Omega crying out, his body becoming abnormally sensitive. He took ragged breaths. He moaned out, his inner walls beginning to hurt. He couldn't even enjoy his high, as Katsuki mercilessly pounded into him. "K-Kacchan, w-wait."

"Katsuki..." Izuku sobbed, not sure if his cries were reaching his Alphas ears. Suddenly, Katsuki pulled out, turning Izuku over to lay on his back.
It wasn't until then that Izuku realized what happened.

With Izuku now seeing Katsuki, he could see that Katsuki wasn't there.

His eyes were dilated, but glazed over, as if he wasn't there. His teeth seemed sharper, smirking at Izuku. Izuku could clearly see the elongated claws on Katsuki left hand, the sharp nails sinking into Izuku's thigh.

Katsuki had gone into rut.

As far as Izuku knew, this was Katsuki's first rut.

Izuku knew that Katsuki would never hurt him intentionally. This was something Izuku had no idea had to handle. At this point, Izuku was four months pregnant, two more months of pregnancy.

"You're so fucking beautiful. So fucking perfect. And you're all fucking mine." Katsuki husked out, thrusting back inside of Izuku, the Omega whimpering.

It hurt.

He was sensitive after cumming.

Izuku was fearful for his child, fearful that if they were too rough, something would happen to their child, who they were waiting until they were born to figure out their gender.

"Please ... Kacchan..." Izuku couldn't help but whimper, the Omegas body flushed. 

But he knew it was hopeless. Katsuki wasn't there.

Anyone could tell.

And Izuku knew, Katsuki would never, ever hurt Izuku.  He knew deep down, Katsuki would rather kill himself, then hurt Izuku.

Izuku decided, he'd just help Katsuki. He'd help the Alpha who always helped him during his heat. Izuku tilted his head, closing his eyes, lowering his cries down as much as he could.

It'd be over soon, Izuku told himself. Just a little longer.


"Izuku..." Katsuki said with a low voice, his body shaking. "Izuku... hey."

Katsuki couldn't stop his shaky breathing, looking at his mate lay unconscious on the bed.

Blood and cum leaked from his entrance, the Omegas eyes closed with dried tears streaming down his cheeks. His chest rising and falling from his breathing, the only thing keeping Katsuki semi-calm right now.

He didn't know he would go into rut.

He hadn't experienced one yet.

His mother had deducted it to it just arriving late. It wasn't a bad thing, but it also just meant it would come unexpectedly.

Katsuki quickly put pants on, not even bothering to put on boxers. He looked at all the cum that covered the Omegas belly, and all the blood and cum leaking from his entrance. Katsuki's heart ached in his chest.

He couldn't believe what he had done.

One thing he knew was that he was pleasuring his Omega, and the next thing he knew, Katsuki blacked out.

He needed to help Izuku.

Katsuki ran out of the bedroom, running to the infirmary. He needed to find Chiyo, or Inko, or his parents. Someone. Someone to help Izuku.

He ran to the infirmary, and swung it open, but Chiyo wasn't there. "Shit." Katsuki panted, growing anxious. He looked around the room, somehow hoping she'd spawn out of thin air, but once he knew that thought was nothing but ridiculous, Katsuki ran out hoping that maybe they'd all be at dinner.

His heart hammered in his chest, the image of his mate hurt because his own actions flashing in head. How would Izuku react around Katsuki? He'd never trust him, never want to be around him. Gods... Katsuki feared Izuku would want to leave him.

He made it to the dining pavilion, and pushed the door open. He panted, sweat on his body. The doors bursting open alerted everyone in the pavilion.

Which included everyone.

Inko and Yagi, his own parents, Chiyo. Shouta and his family. His fellow knights, and their respective mates. Even the girl Tsuyu, all surrounded the table, as if discussing something important.

"Katsuki?" Mistuki said confused, looking at her disheveled son. "Where are your clothes, and why do you smell like you've been—"

"I-I need help." Katsuki said, his voice finally cracking and tears unintentionally gathering in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Shouta asked, standing to his feet, alerted.

"I-I went into rut. I-I didn't know I would go and me and Deku were in the middle of..." Katsuki sobbed, Chiyo and Yagi already beginning to walk past him. "I blacked out, and he's bleeding and—"

"Bakubro, calm down." Kirishima immediately reacted, seeing Katsuki hyperventilate. "Can you do that?"

"C-calm down?" Katsuki panted, black spots beginning to dance in his eyes. "M-my mate... m-my pup..." Katsuki fell to his knees, oxygen not reaching his lungs.

"Hey hey, it's okay." Mistuki tried to reason with her son, embracing him. The younger Alpha shaking in his mothers arms. "Chiyo and Yagi are going to take care of him."

But words weren't reaching his ears.

In fact, nothing was as he began to get lightheaded, the Alpha evidently passing out in his mothers arm.

To Be Continued
1235 Words

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