Im sorry guys but..

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I'm sorry guys but i'm taking a break until summer or so...

Here is why

I just got to know that one of my biggest reason to smile everyday left the band that saved my life. Yeah i'm talking about zayn and don't tell me to get over it or shit. Just think about if a band member left your favortie would that feel? Zayn is not just a boy and my idol but also my life saver.

Also i have a lot of school work coming up right now and i really need to focus on school. I'm sorry but i really need to focus on school

I've also 0 ideas right now plus i really want to write another book but i don't know what about.

I love you guys So much and i really hope you aren't mad at me or something but i really need a break from writing. You may think, "but you haven't wrote anything?...." Well guess what i have but they turned out shit. I've tried so many times but i just don't know.

I'll be back Before you know it but for now

I love you guys ❤️

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