Luke imagine

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"YYY/NNN!" My brother Luke shouted from downstairs. I laughed. "LUUKEEEY!" I shouted back?

i walked downstairs to see him in the kitchen with craked eggs on the floor and flour everywhere. I

brust out laughing while Luke were standing there confused. "I was gonna bake a cake for you

since i love you but i..." I cut him off my trowing an egg on him. "Aw i love you too, let's clean this

mess up and bake again alright Lukey? I said and pecked his chek. He smiled and kissed my

fourhead. "Sure" he smiled. We cleaned up and made another cake. "At least the cake got better"

he said. I giggled and hugged him. "Luke? Y/N?" I heard mom say from the hall. "You guys home?"

Dad said. They walked in to the kitchen to see both me and Luke hugging. "Heheeey is this a kind

of a hugging party here?" Dad joked. Me, Luke, and mom laughed. "Yes dad, yes. Wanna join?" I

asked and both me and Luke opened an arm. They nodded and walked over and hugged us. "I love

you guys" i said. Mom kissed my fourhead. " i love you too" mom said. The rest of the day we all

spend the time togheter, laughing, talking just like a normal and loving family would do.

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