5sosprefs//miscarriage ( Mikey and Calum)

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Michael was on tour and i was now 3 months pregnant but he is coming home on the 8th month and it's been a month since he left and it's 5 months left till he's back. I Was sittning on the couch until i felt a charp pain. I got up and saw blood. My eyes Went wide and i quickly stormed out to my car and drove to the hospital.

*5 months later*

Michael Was coming home today and i had no idea how to tell him. I had a miscarriage. "Babe!" He called. I froze in my place on the couch. I Curled up like a ball and cried. What if he leaves me? "Babe?" He said as he came in to the Livingroom. "Y/N?" He asked. I didn't say anything. I just cried. "What happened?" He asked sittning next to me. I can't believe he had'nt seen that my baby bump is gone. "Mikey? Can't you see?" I sobbed. "I know you had a miscarriage." He said as his voice cracked. I sat up. "H-how?" I sobbed. He pulled me up to his lap and hugged me. "I know becouse i didn't see your bump on the Skype calls. Even if you had a big shirt i could see it Was gone." He said. I began to cry. "Shh..I'm not leaving you. Things Happens baby" he softly said as he stroke my hair and rocked back and forth. "I want it back" i sobbed. "I'm sorry". He sighed and kissed my head. "Its not your fault and i want it back as well" he said. This Was the worst time of my life.


I was 12 weeks pregnant and me and Calum were so happy about it. Right now we are in the kitchen, cooking some food. "EY!" I giggly said as Calum trew water at me. "Luv uuuuu" he said. I giggled and wraped my arms around his neck. He leaned so our fourheads were touching and his arms wrapped around my waist. "I love you even more" i said. He bit his lip and smiled. "Imposble" he smiled. I giggled and he leaned in and placed his lips on mine. We kissed for about 15 seconds before we pulled back. "I love you so much that i would jump infront of a car amd save you from the death" he said. I fell a tear. "Please don't say that" i said. He kissed my tear away. "I'm serious" he wispered. "Okay" i said as i rested my head to his chest. He stroke my back softly when i suddenly felt something wet underneath and sharp pain. "C-Calum" i breathed. I looked down and saw...blood. No no no. "Y-Y/N?" He stuttered. "Help" i said. He carried me up and ran out to thr car. Thank god we were done cooking. As we got there Calum helped me in and doctors took me away.

*calums POV*

i was waiting for so long until a doctor came out. "You can go see her" he smiled. I nodded and went to her room. She was crying. "Y/N" i said. She looked up with tears. I sat down next to her and Held her hands. "C-Calum i-it's g-gone" she sobbed. "Wh-wha? Oh my" i began to cry. "I'm sorry" she said and stroke my hand with her thumb. I was still holding her hand. I squezed it. "It's not your fault. As long as you're okay than it's fine" i said. "I, i love you" she sobbed. After a while we got to go home. When we got home she got changed and we spend the night cuddling.

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