Calum imagine

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*Calums POV*

"Y/N!" I screamed. "CALUM JUST GO OR YOU WILL DIE AFTER ME!" She screamed. I shook


THEN ME LIVE A HELL LIFE!" I screamed back with tears streaming down my face. " Calum,

don't do this please" Michael said putting a hand on my shoulder. "And why is that? Huh? Hav you

ever had someone you loved to death then see her in a bad condition then after a minute she is

totaly- *BANG* we quickly turned pur Heads to Y/Ns direction. "Gone..." I said. "If you don't get

the hell away now i will have to do the same i did with your little girlfriend here. Oh wait i can't let

you go becouse you saw me and saw everything so i guess that if i let you go away and you don't tell

anyone about this your second friend will be *BANG* gone" she said and Michael fell down. She

shoot Michael. "WHY DID YOU DO IT? HE HADNT DONE ANHTHI- *BANG* and Luke was

down. "LUKE" i screamed. Why does she keep doing it. I thought. Anger began to build in me and

my head felt lile it was going to explode. My viens poped out a bit and my eyes were probably

burning fire. "If i shut up will you stop- *BANG* and ashton was the last one down. "WHY THE

HELL WOULD YOU DO IT AGAIN?" I screamed and stepped closer. I could'nt control my self

becouse the anger was taking over my body and i let it do it soon i saw my self knocking the

murder down by punishing her in the face and slamming her head to the floor so she knockouted

and blood were spilling out of the back of her head. I took the Gun from her and shoot her as many

time as she deserved it. After i shoot her probably 20 times i ran to the poor boys whonwere lying

on Their own bloodpool. I cried and screamed for them to wake up but nothing happened.

"Calum," i heard. I turned around but noone. "Calum, Calum calUM CALUM!" It keept shout my

name until i saw a bright white light.

*your POV*
I was awoken up by Calum screaming and crying Beside me, i sat up and screamed his name to

wake up while shaking him and finally he opened his Brown, big eyes. His eyes widened as he saw

me. "Y-Y/N" he said and jumped on me and hugged me while he cried in to my shoudler. "Shhh

baby i'm right here, it was just a dream." I said and stroke his head. After a while he calmed down a

bit and i was sitting so my back was on the Wall and calums head rested on my lap. I ram my

fingers trough his hair. He was shaking and probably still crying. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

"The dream was about a murder who was my ex girlfriend and she wanted to end things with us

and i was gonna save u and so but then u said to not and just let her shoot you and i said no and

got angry then Michael came to calm me down but just when i would say the Word gone she shoot

you and then she began to talk about letting us go or Else she would hurt everyone and she did, she

shoot Michael then i began to scream out of anger and before i knew it she shoot Luke down and

when i was about to say why she shoot ashton down then i got angry and walked thowards her and

punshed her in the face and banged her head to the floor so she got a big open sore in her back

head so she began to bleed then i took the Gun from her and shoot her like 20 times until i was

done and walked over to you guys and screamed for you to wake up and stay then someone was

screaming my name and i could'nt see who it was so i then saw a bright ligth and then i woke up"

he said. I sighed. " baby calm down, it was just a nightmare, i, never leaving you and eaither are

one of the boys." I said and kissed his temple. He took my hands in his and kissed my hand, "i love

you" he said. I smiled and bent down and placed a soft kiss on his lips. "I love you too, now let's go

back to sleep." I said and he nodded. I lied down again and cuddled in to his chest while he wraped

his arms around me. "Goodnight, i love you" he said. I pulled apart so i was facing him. I kissed

him hard on the lips and pulled back. " i love you too, goodnight" i said and cuddled back to calums
chest and fell in to a deep sleep.

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