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"ASHTON IRWIN YOU BETTER GIVE ME BACK MY GODDAMN PHONE!" I screamed as i chased him around.

He had took my phone and i would'nt dare make him look at my phone since i'm still logged into my fan account on Twitter, instagram and tumblr plus i've like three fanficts written about the boys a.k.a alot of pichtures of the boys on my photo album, SHIRTLESS since i forgot to delete them but why on earth would i? I will always be a big fan of them amd to be honest, when they arent around i could break in to a fangirl moment.

"HAHA TRY AND GET IT!" He teased. I groaned and jumped on his back Making us both fall to the floor with a loud thud.

"Give *hit* me * smacks his head* back *hit* my *hit* PHONE!" I jelled.He jumped off the floor Making me fall back and ran away while giggling and shouting never. "UUUUUUGH FINE HAVE MY PHONE THEN!" I gave up and stumped upstairs to my room.

After an hour i could hear all the boys laughing from down stairs. They probably saw my accounts and pichtures and i bet they've read one of my fanficts. Damn it ash. I decited to go down stairs and walked in to the Livingroom where they were and as soon as i walked in they began to tease and giggle at me.

"Oh my god! I just meet 5sauce and i swear i could bang ashton now aaaaah!" Michael teased with his best high voice. I turned deep red and sunk down on the couch infront of them.

"Oh my god Luke is sooooooooo sexy like damn can't i just kiss him already!" Luke teased with his girly voice. I felt my self blush even harder.

"If i ever meet 5sauce i'm sooooo gonna marry Calum and have babies with him! Sorry but my Calum feels are tooooo much aaaaahhh i love you Calum Hood! MARRY ME YOU SEXY ASSBOY!" Ashton teased with his fangirl girly voice. F**** they read it...., i thought.

"Is Michael as sexual as he looks like? Bcs i could give him a gooooood night if i ever got the chance" Calum teased with his best girly high voice. I burried my self depåer to the couch.

"Well sweetie you could show me the good night tonight if you would like?" Michael winked, Making me blush deep red.

"Maybe soon "sexy ass girl" we could get married and maybe even have babys" Calum smirked. I felt my self burn up.

"How about threesome Mike?" Ashton smirked. My eyes went whide big and all my blood went to my face so i could imagine my self begien tomato red.

"Right and come here if you want that kiss baby" Luke smirked. I took the pillow Beside me and put it on my face while curling in to a ball on the couch while blushing deep red.

"Aww look she's blushing so hard that she can't even show us!" Calum teased.

"Right and nice pichtures you got there eh" ashton smirked.

"I like your fanfict you wrote about me" Luke smirked.

"I pretty much love your account and name accounts, why not just do it right away tonight?" Michael teased while smirking. Could this get any worse?

"I hate all of you d***k heads" i murmured.

"Well how about you such them then?" Ashton teased. Everyone brust out laughing. My eyes went whide open and blushing deep. I removed the pillow off my face and trew ut at them. It landed perfectly on Ashtons face.

"PEACE OUT SUCKER!" I shouted while giggling. He giggled and trew it on Michaels face. I giggled. He took the pillow and trew it on Calum who trew it on lukes face. I laughed.

"GROUP HUG!" Calum shouted randomly. I giggled and went over to them. I sat in between them and pulled ashton and Michael to a hug and he two others joined the hug.

"Eve if i hate you guys so much for begien such a dorks, i still love you guys so much" i said. Michael kissed the side of my fourhead, long.

"We love you too sweetie" Calum said and burried his head to my neck. We spent the rest of the night watching mean girls, white cheeks and scary movie 3. I ended up falling asleep on lukes chest, who carried me up to my room. Even if i was asleep i still heard him say "love you and even if you can't hear me we all love you a lot and are Thankful to have such an amazing girl like you around here" and kissed my fourhead. As soon as he walked out a smile creeped on my face and i finally fell asleep in to a deep sleep.

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