Luke imagine

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Requested imagine idea by h4h4h4h4h4h4h4h4


i cant do it anymore. enough. i looked at the clock and it showed 3 am. perfect. i got up from my bed and went to lukes room where he was sleeping. i kissed his cheek and head. "i love you never fore that luke" i wispered and put the note i wrote him on his computer. i walked out and ran outside. i ran to the bridge. i got up on the top and took a deep breath. here goes nothing. i send everyone a goodbye message since my phone was still with me. "NO" i heard someone call. i looked down carefully and saw someone. "DONT JUMP PLEASE. I LOVE YOU" it was luke! "IM SORRY!" i yelled and was about to jump. "DONT PLEASE. I LOVE YOU. MOM AND DAD LOVES YOU. THE BOYS LOVES YOU. EVEN THE FANS. THE TRUE FANS LOVES YOU. PLEASE BABY, COME DOWN. I CANT LIVE WITHOUT YOU. I WONT BE THE SAME." i started to cry. what am i doing? i carefully climbed down and when i got to him he hugged me as tight as he possibly could. i didnt care if i was about to die cause he was literaly hugging my life out of my body. "dont ever do that again. please" he sobbed and kissed my head over and over again. "i wont i promies" i said and started to cry. "its inpossible to live without you. i wont be the same ever again if you killed your self before i even got here. i cant loose you. not now" he sobbed. i burried my face deep in to his chest. "all i know now is shouted from the top of my heart.i remember a year ago when you told me you where done with everything but that you would end up here is imposible to think of even if it happened." he said. "im so sorry" i sobbed and hugged him. we went back home and hat night, i promised to talk about my problems istead of doing something that will leave him broken and alone forever.

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