He is gay...(Ashton)

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Ashton have been acting strange lately. He seems nervous? But also scared. Today, Ashton wanted to take me out for a date so right now i was getting ready. I had put (you choose what to wear) and already had done my make up and hair. "Honey are you ready?" Ash called. I took my purse and phone then ran downstairs smiling. "Yup" he smiled and we went outside to his car and then drove off. After three minutes he pulled Over at the park we first met at. I smiled and got out. "So what's up?" I asked as we started to walk around hand in hand. He didn't say anything but stopped walking and spun me around so I was facing him. He then pulled me in to a passionate kiss for about thirty seconds until he pulled back sadly. "I'm sorry" he said and started to cry. "Sweetie what's wrong?" I asked and pulled him in a hug. "I'm breaking up with you" he said. Did he just?..." What?" I said sadly. We pulled away and he looked at me in the eyes. "I love you y/n I really do but not like first time" he said with a shaky voice. Confused, I looked at him with eyes begging for a better explanation. "I'm- I'm" "You're gay?" I said smiling a bit. He nodded and started crying again but he leaned out and put his elbow on his knees while letting his head rest on his palms. I stroke his back and kissed his head. "I'm proud of you for coming out you know?" I said. He looked at me with shocked but a little bit happy. "You're not mad?!" He asked. I laughed and shook my head. "Why the hell would i be mad? I mean not to be rude or anything but I kinda knew this would happen soon" I said. He giggled and hugged me. "We're still best friends right?" He asked. "No shit" I laughed. "iiik I can FINALLY talk about how fucking hot Zac Ef-" "here we go again" he laughed. You lightly hit his chest laughing. "Hey! Not my fault he is fucking jesus" I said. He shuggered. "I can't lie, he is one fine peace of cake but not like Mich-" he stopped himself right there. "Wait you're dating Michael!?" I said surprised and exited. He blushed. "AWWWW MASHTON IS REAL YAAAS" i squealed, catching some glares from people around us.

The other boys parts are coming tomorrow :) x

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