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Your 1D brother

Luke: Harry

Ashtom: Liam

Calum: Louis

Michael: Niall

When you give birth(should i make these longer?)

Luke: "I'm i'm oh god oh god where is mama when i need her..."

Michael: "DUDE COME IN JUST GET THE CHILD OUT HOW HARD IS IT? Wait i'm sorry baby"

Calum: he fainted

Ashton: "come on sweetie you can do it"

What kind of animal he is

Luke: penguin

Ashton: unICORN AF

Michael: dog

Calum: bear

Where you hit him when he is annoying

Luke: Chest

Michael: head

Ashton: balls

Calum: you doNT HIT A BEAR


Ok sorry they had to be like this bur i've been busy latley bUT IM OK NOW GUYS I SURVIVED LET ME HERE YA ALL SCREAM HALLELUJAH

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