Short random imagines

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Michael: "BUT BAAAAAAAABE come on!! He looks so cute with only a wig(spell?)! Pleaaaaaaaaase" "i said no! I don't want my child bald at a Young age dumby!" "But mommy i want to look as cool as daddy!! Only this time pleaaaaaaase!!?" Our five years old son whined. I looked at Michael dead in the eyes. "Fine but only this time okay? And take him to a hair salon so the hair dye does'nt be there forever!" I said and sighed. They made a mini Dance and jumped on me, giving me kisses and a big hug. "Okay okay let go monkeys!" I giggled. Both Of them kissed each side of my cheek before saying goodbye and walking off to get our sons hair done.

Calum: me and Calum where walking around on the streets, enjoying our day until we passed trough an orphange house. I watched the small kids play around with weak smiles. I felt broken knowing they don't have a home. I've always wanted to have a kid though but i'm just afraid telling Calum. "Babe? U okay?" Cal asked. "I don't know just look at them! These poor kids looks so weak and helpless i just...i just wish i could adopt one and help." I sadly said and sighed. "Okay" i looked at him with a confused look."what?" "Let's go!" He smiled and dragged me to the house. Did he really?.."hello i'm Calum Hood and this is my lovley girlfriend and we would like to adopt a child. 2-12 is the ages. " he proudly said. The women smiled and gave us a big book. We looked trough it and at the end we adopted a baby girl. She was three and actually looked a bit like us.

Ashton:"Stupid!" "Asshole!" "Bitch!" "Whore!" "I love you!" "I love you too" i giggled and wrapped my arms around Ashtons neck. "I did'nt mean anything you know that right?" "Well duh" i giggled and kissed his chin. He pulled me in to a hug amd Held me like it was the past time. "Babe?" "Yes ash?" "Will you marry me?" I froze. "What?" I said and pulled back to look him in the eyes. "We've been togheter for almost five years and i've never regreted a bit of it and for every day and minute with you, i Fall in love all over again and everyday i want to tell you you're beautiful in a way you've never heard before, but it just does'nt work Couse i'm not good with words. I love you so much so will you marry me?" I giggled. "What?" He smiled. "You took the last sentence from the Jacob Whitesides song, words. My favorite song." I smiled. "I know, thats why i picked it from that song" he smiled. "Yes" "yes what?" "I'll marry you" i smiled and his face lit up like a Young boy on a Christmas morning. He picked me up and spun us around. "I love you sooooooo much" he said and kissed me. I smiled at the kiss. "I love you too baby" i mumbled in the kiss, smiling like an idiot knowing i'm gonna marry the dork i love forever.

Luke: "well me i fall in love with you every single day" ed sang as the crowd sang along, shouting the lyrics back. The whole arena had a sea full of light and it was so beautiful. I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder. I looked up amd saw Luke smiling down at me. "I love you" he said in my ear. I smiled and kissed him. The People around us started to cheer. We pulled back smiling and when we looked up at the stage again, Ed send Luke a wink. He nodded. What? The somg had ended and ed was talking. "So this next song is special because this one boy in here in the crowd decited this song for his girlfriend, love u man" he smiled at Luke and started to song Kiss Me. The arena went crazy again and the sea continued. Luke turned me around so i was Looking at him. "I love you forever and always and i'm never gonna stop loving you either until the death decites to separate us but for now, will you do me an honor and listen to the lyrics he his singing and do it?" He smiled, i nodded and wrapped my arma around his neck and pulled him in to a deep kiss.

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