5sosprefs/You see him with makeup

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You got home from a long day at work and was terribly tired. "I'm home babe!" You yelled but ended up yawnimg. "Shit" you heard him yell. You got confused and walked up t your room and was meet by a frozen Michael, dressed up in only boxers and your pink tanktop and had make up on his face. Blue eyeshadow on his eyes along with eyeliner, bright red lipstick and way to much pink blush. You brust out into a fit of laughter. You got so red of all laughing so you fell down on the floor. "Stop laughing, inwas just trying how it is to do all this." He pouted. "So so you* laugh* put m-make u-up and dressed i-in m-my tanktop!? HAHAHAHAHAHAH" you continued to laugh until you cooled down. You took a deep breath and looked at him and giggled. "Alright it's okay, at least i'm not tired anymore" you smiled. He sighed and pulled you to a hug. "I look hot arent i eh?" He jocked. You kissed his now red lips. "Defently but i prefer my Calum better" you smiled.


"ONE LESS ONE LESS PROBLEM!" Michael sang. You were cooking lunch when he suddenly came in, dressed up in your long blue dress and pink lipstick with eyeliner, purple eyeshadow and failed foundacion on his face with blush on his cheeks. "IM ARIANA GRANDE!" He said in his high pitch voice. You laughed. "M-Michael w-what a-are youHAHAHA" you continued to laugh. "Don't juge, i was trying to be a girl for once!" He pouted. You giggled and kissed his nose. "You will always be a girl in my eyes when i want you to be a one" you jocked. He smirked. "Oh really?" He said and winked. "Yeah" you said and kissed his lips but it turned out to a full make out season and well...let's just say. The lunch got canceled and well.. You name it 😏


"Hey Y/N how do you use this?" Ash said coming in to the room with an eyeliner in his hand while he had purple lipstick and bronze blush on his cheek. You giggled skd went to him. You helped him with the eyeliner and made smokey eyes and put pouder on his face. When you where done you snaped a picture and began to laugh hard. He looked so redicelous almost gay! "What are you laughing at!" He pouted. "Y-you o-oh G-god" you laughed. He pouted. "Sorry i'm going to help you out of this!" You giggled. You helped him wash off his make up and the next thing you did was well...cuddling.


"Hey babe" Luke called and you looked up and saw him dressed in only boxers and your bra while he had pink lipgloss and pink eyeshadow on his eyes with pink blush. Yiu brust out laughing, "l-Luke w-what a-are you-" "i'm a girrrrlll!!" He squialed. "Oh god i can't breath!" You laughed. You finally calmed down and went over to him. You wraped your arms around his waist and looked up ag him. "So kiss me kiss me kiss me" he sang. You kissed him sweet on the lips and pulled back. "I love you! now please help me put of these shit on my face" he said, you giggled and nodded.


Hey guys 😔 yeah. If you are wondering. I'm sad. My so called mother Destroyed my mood. She just txted my dad and told him she don't want anything to do with us anymore, do you guys understand how hard it is for me? I mean i loved her so much and i still do and when someone says something like that is pretty hard especially to your own kids. I thought she loved me and my bro but now that she gave up on us, i knew that all these years when she told us she loved us was a big fat lie.😢💔 i'm sorry...

Hope you liked these prefs bye love you 💖

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