Michael imagine

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-mooooooom!" I giggled as she removed the removed from my leg.

-whaaaaaat" she jocked.

- stop begien meaaan! I said, fake crying.

-aw is my baby crying? She jocked. I nodded but after two seconds both of us brust out laughing.

-mom? I asked.

-yes honey?

-when is mikey coming home? I miss him, i said. She sighed.

-i think in about a week or something, i miss my boy too, she sighed.

Suddenly the front door opened. We froze.

-mom? Y/N?, th familiar voice said. We shoot up and ran to the hall where my brother i havent seen in 6 months stood. I jumped in his arms and cried.

- MIKEEEEYYY! I cried. He laughed and Held me tighter.

-heeeeyyyy, i've missed you too, he said. We pulled back so he could hug mom. They hugged and when it was done we all walked in to the Livingroom and sat there, talking about the tour and school and other things. After a while we decited to watch a movie. We watched like three movies until mikey and i fell asleep in to each other while my mom just sat there Looking at her adorble sleeping twins.


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