Luke imagine

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I Was finally gonna meet my twin brother who i had'nt seen since 3 years back becouse he Was in army and now he finally got to Come home. E called me this morning and asked if he wanted to meet up. Of course i said yes so right now i Was in starbucks on my way to te table Were he sat. I walked over it and sat down. He looked up and a bright smile spred over his mouth. "Alex" "Y/N" he said and pulled me in to a long hug i haven't hugged since 3 years. "I've missed you" "I've missed you too" the rest of the 3 hours we talked about everything until Luke my boyfriend texted me to Come home. "It Was really Nice to see you again!" "You too, Come and visit me at moms if you want to?" "I am too on the weekends." I said and gave him a one last hug. We said our goodbyes and i walked back home. I opened the door to hear the house silent. Huh, Thought Luke Was home? I Thought. "Luke?" "In here" he called from the living room. I walked in to see him sittning on the couch. "Luke?" "Who Was the boy you Were with? Are j Cheating on me? Y/N just break up with me now dont wait!" He spat. "Luke that boy Was my twin brother who i had'nt seen since 3 years becouse he is in army! I said Angirly with and serious tone. His eyes whidned and his face experiance got an embareased look. "Oh...i...oh god I'm so sorry i didn't know." He stammared. I laughed and wraped my arms around his neck and leaned to his chest. "Luke its okay, I'm te one who should say sorry becouse i didn't tell you from the begiening." I said and kissed his jaw. "He kissed my nose and rested his chin on my head. "Its okay, and please Come and cuddle with meeeeee!" He whined. I giggled and stood on tip toe to reach him becouse he Was WAAAY taller than me. I kissed his lips softly and smiled. "Sure, just Let me change in to something more confirteble than this and i will be right back" i said. The rest of the day we spent it by cuddling and Talking about random things but ended up falling asleep with Lukes body on top if mine while his head reasted on my chest and my hand on his neck and hair.

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