You're a professional athlete

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requested idea by @softballstar16

Ashton: You where a famous gymnast. You where even once in the Olympics and came on second place. And trust me, Ashton is glad he have a flexible girl 😏

Calum: you're a famous football(soccer) player. You've been in the sport for almost ten years and loved it so much, as much as Calum loves to have a girlfriend that is in the same sport as he is.

Luke: you're a swimmer. A really great swimmer actually! You've been swimming since you where three and never stopped. You've been In so many competitions and never came on third. Only second or first place! And Luke loved to watch you swim on competitions! He loved how fast you where and never did it for the world, but for your self.

Michael: Do I even have to say it or can you guess it? Well if I have to say it its games and pizza....not so hard to guess it dude come on.

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