coming out at a family party...(Cake)

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Today, the hood family and Hemmings family where having a bbq party. I had put on some jeans, a white tee and a cream cardigan over. My hair was in a pony tail and my make up was pretty simple with only mascara, filled in the eyebrows and some red lipstick. "Babe are you- woah" he said. I blushed and took my bag and then put my phone in it. "Ready?" He smiled. I nodded as we put our shoes on then headed to the party! When we got there, half of the family where already there. Thank god Luke and his girlfriend was there so we walked over to them. Luke blushed as Calum hugged him. Awe. "Can I talk to you for a moment?" Luke's girlfriend asked me. I nodded and we went somewhere private. "Have, have like Calum been acting weird with you lately?" She asked me. "How do you mean?" I said. "Like always checking guys out and feeling awkward kissing you?" I thought for a moment. "Actually yeah" i said confused until "don't tell me Luke has too?.." "Oh my god they are gay?" She said. I laughed. "Would'nt be surprised if cake came out" i smiled. She nodded and we went back to our boys who where gone? Weird.

Me and L/G/N(lukes girlfriends name) went and catched up with some family members and when everyone was here the party finally started! It was so much fun! Amd the food was heaven! Right now i'm sitting with L/G/N chatting with the little ones until Calum and luke stood up. "Um can we have eveyones attention...this is quite important" Luke said. We all turned to them as they nervously stood there. "Uh so latley i've been having this weird feeling thoward boys. I started imagine myself kissing a boy and stuff and um" Calum said but stopped and looked at Luke, everyone was Looking at them scared but exited. "Yeah same here but um, last month i asked Calum out and he well we um we are dating um" Luke awkwardly started. They looked at each other while the silent was still there. "We're gay" they said at the same times as some gasped. Me and L/G/N looked at each other and stood up. "I KNEW IT!" We yelled at the same time bur what we did'nt notice was that Ben, Jack and Mali stood up too and yelled. "Congrats you two!" I yelled and hugged them while the others did two but the parents where in shock. "Mom, dad?" Calum said. "Aren't you guys gonna say something?" Luke said worried. The parents looked at each other for awhile. "Hello?" Luke said, sounding like he was about to cry. They looked at them and the mothers started to cry while they stood up with Their husbands. "Come here" Andrew said as Luke walked to his fathers arms crying while calum did the same to David. Joy and Liz eventually joined the hug and made it to a family hug.

Where did me and Lukes girl go? We stayed with them trough everything just that we ended up with new boys.

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