5sosprefs/Cute moments with your child

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Me and calum woke up at 3 am of baby crying so Both rushed up from bed and in to the baby crib. I picked out little baby boy up and tried to hush him but he wouldnt. "Shh baby boy" i sang. Calum giggled. "Let me take him" he smiled. I gave him a thankful smile and gave him our little boy. He began to rock back and forth and he calmed down minute After minute when finally he calmed down and just starred at his smiling father. "You okay now baby?" He asked. He giggled and hid his face to his shoulder. "Aww" I smiled. "Wanna sleep with mommy and daddy now?" He asked him. He looked at him giggling and cheered. "I take that as a yes then" he laughed. We walked back to our room and i layed him down on his stomach and me and calum claimed next to him. He Held Both of our hands and giggled while squezing our hands. I kissed his hand and calum his head and then he began to sing Never be softly. In the middle of the singing all three of us fell asleep by calums beautiful singing.


"He has a cold ash" i sighed worriedly. This Was the first time our son got so sick and i Was worried and so Was ash. He sighed and pulled me to his chest. "I'm worried." I said. He kissed my head and sighed. "Me too baby" he said. "Mommy? Daddy?" His weak voice said. We looked at him. He gave us a cute don't-worry-about-it smile. "Pwease don't wowwy, i will be otay" he said and choughed after. I kissed his hand and nodded. "We will baby now u up for cuddle and movie time with mommy and Daddy?" Ashton said. He smiled and nodded. Ashton picked him up and walked down to the Livingroom. I boigh some blankets and put frozen in and we all cuddled togheter with the blankets and watched the movie until all three of us fell asleep.


"She is growing up so fast" i smiled and looked at our little toddler who was playing withbher stuffed animals. Luke wraped an arm around me and kissed my cheek. "Yeah, she is. But, look how cute she is getting" he smiled, i giggled and nodded. We sat watching her for Andrew minutes until she let her toys and began to crawl over to us and mumling something. She streched out her hands to pick her up and Luke picked her up and sat her on his lap. She began to giggle and talk baby langueg. "D..D..daddy!!!" She cheered. Lukes eyes went whide and a big smile spread over his lips. "M...momma? MOMMA MOMMA!!!" She cheered. I fell a tear and nodded. "Yeah baby he is your Daddy and i'm your momma!" I giggled. Luke kissed her little hand and she slaped him on the face, i brust out laughing while Luke pouted at her but it was a bad idea becouse as soon as she saw her faTher sad face she looked like she was about to cry. "No no no baby i did'nt mean to make you sad" Luke giggled and kissed her cheek. She went from sad to happy again as soon asnshebsawbher smiling father. Since that day i knew that both would have a strong Bond in th future.


"Daddyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!" Our 3 years old daughter called in the middle of the night. Michael woke up quickly and ran to her room. I walked after and saw her crying to Michaels chest while he rocked back and forth. "Baby, what happened?" I asked and sar down next to them. "D-Da-daddy an-and Y-you disa-disapeard and t-the evil m-monster ki-killed you" she sobbed. Michael kissed her head and calmed her down. "But it wont happen babe, it was just a dream okay?" I smiled and stroke her chin. She nodded and cuddled in to her fathers chest. "I wont go anywhere unless you want me to okay? And if the evil monsternas thing to kill us i will be MIKEROWAVE AND SAVE US!" He said in his redicelous voice. She began to giggle and hugged his waist. He kissed her head and picked her up. I walked with Michael back to our room. He layed her next him and wraped his arms around her while she cuddled further in to his chest. I got in next to them and all three of us cuddled in to each other until we finally fell asleep.



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