You speak swedish and he founds it adorble

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You were home, talking with your mom on the phone since she lived in Sweden. You where swedish but you moved to London and decited to go to UNI here. "Ja absolut! Hmm... Jag kan kolla om vi kan komma nästa vecka. Jag saknar dig jätte mycket mamma och skulle verkligen behöva träffa dig igen..." You spoke and ashton saw your sad face as you said the last words. "Okej, älskar dig med mamma, hejdå" and the line went dead. You sighed. "Missing mother?" He asked. "Yeah..." You said. "It's okay, we can go and visit her and your family next weekend if you want?" He said. Your face lit up. "Really?" "Really" he smiled. You hugged him tightly. "Yay!! Finally you are meeting them! And of course me too" you giggled. He kissed your temple and then your lips. "Anything for my baby girl" he smiled."By the way you're cute when your sad and at the same time speaking swedish, it's really cute!" He said poking your nose Making you giggle.

"AJ FÖR FAN!" You swore on swedish. You accidently hit your toe on the couch stand and now you where jumping around while holding your feet and swearing at the same time. "FAN JÄVLA PISS GORILLOR! VARFÖR SKA SÅDANT SKIT ALLTID BEHÖVA HÄNDA JUSST MIG!?!?" you shouted out of pain. Luke came out of the kitchen Looking at you confused and i could tell he was holding a laugh. "Whats the matter?" "JAG SLOG MIN JÄVLA TÅ SER DU VÄL!?" You said angirly, And Luke could'nt hold it back anymore so he brust out laughing. "What?" He laughed. "I said that i hit my god damn toe" you said. He stoped laughing but still giggling every minute. "S-sorry" he giggled. Awe, he was so cute! You left your feet, the pain finally calming and instead you began to poke Lukes dimples. "Poke poke poke poke" i said with a smile. He stoped giggling and pouted. "Stooooop it's not funny!" He said crossing his arms over his chest while pouting. He looked like an angry two years old who did'nt get his Teddy bear. "Aw little Lukey sawd" you eased. He nodded. You kissed his putted lips and then his cheek. "Sorry i screamed at you" you appoligiced. "It's okay, it was pretty adorble" he smiled and kissed your fourhead and poked your nose and kissed it Making you smile.

You and Calum where doing a twitcam and the fans where loving you guys until the harsh comments came. Niall was frozen and the hate keept on coming."wtf ugly asian boy" "HAHA CALUM WORTHLESS HOOD!" "I heard that you are a Cheater" "why are you even in 5sos, you are so not Worth it and you know really well that everyone support becouse they feel sorry but in reality everyone hates you." You could'nt hold it any longer so you just... "DIN JÄVLA IDIOT! HUR FAN TÄNKER DU MED KVINNA? TROR DU ATT DU ÄR SÅ JÄVLA SNYGG ELLER VAFAN NU DU TYCKER ATT DU ÄR!?!? HAHA DÅ SKA JAG SÄGA DIG NÅGOT TILL VARENDA EN AV ER. NI ALLA ÄR SÅNA ÄCKLIGA SLAMPOR SOM INTE ENS VET ELLER KAN ANVÄNDA RESPEKT MOT ANDRA OCH EN SISTA SAK, NI ALLA ÄR SÅNA ÄCKLIGA VÄRDELÖSA SLAMPOR SÅ SNÄLLA GE MIG EN KÄNST OCH DRA ERA ÄCKLIGA HOR UNGAR!" you shouted and the hate stopped and everyone was sending "HAHAH OMG I LOVE YOU Y/N" or "DAMN U GO GURL!" Or even "people ask me why i love Y/N. Well she defented her boyfriend but spoke swedish but i still felt the anger in her! Ly Y/N!. You sighed. You turned to a Calum and he had a few tears running down his face. You pulled him to your chest and stroke his hair. "Shh baby it's okay, they are gone and look! People loves you!" You said trying to calm him down. A lot of amazing and wonderful comments was send to Calum and at the same time thanked me for standing up for Calum. "We love you guys too! And i would absoloutly do anything for my little aussi boy" i said and planted a kiss on calums head. "I love you guys!" Calum smiled weakly. You kissed his fourhead and continued or twitcam.

"Hejsan! I'm your waitress today, may i ask you guys what you would like to drink?" The waitress asked. "Vatten tack, Mike?" You asked Michael, he smiled. "A Coke please. The waitress nodded. "Will be in five" he smiled. "Y/N, what is med..." "It's mestballs with potatos and a really delisous sauce that it Brown but it's becouse of the peppar i think." You explained he nodded, "it sound good, what are you taking?" "Köttbullar med kokta potatis och brun sås" you said. He looked confused, "it's the same as you are taking" you giggled. "Man, swedish is a weird but a funny language" Michael said. The waitress came back with our drinks. "Ready to order?" He smiled. You nodded, "min ponke skulle vilja beställa köttbullar med kokta potatis och brun sås, och jag tar samma" you smiled. "Jag ser att du kan svenska, vänta, är inte de Michael Clifford från 5 seconds of summer?" "Det är han det! Om du undrar så är vi här på besök i Sverige och man kan säga att han har det tufft med språket" he laughed. "Förstår det, svenska är inget lätt språk men man vänjer sig, föresten er beställning kommer snart" he smiled. I turned to Michael and he sat there confused. "Sexy" he smirked nodding with his head. You laughed at him. "Dork!" You giggled. You spend the day leaning him a few words but whenever he would say it to someone he would say it to wrong person. Like "hej, du ar snogg!" Michael said to a girl with her boyfriend. "Hey! Låt min tjej vara Clifford!" The boy spat at him, Michael looked confused while you just stood there laughing your life off.



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