He is gay...(Michael)

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You where chilling with your daughter when Michael, your boyfriend came home. No she is not his child but an asshole's child. He left me the same day he got in my pants! I hate him so much but my mom have helped me alot and when Y/D/N turned two you met your lovely boyfriend Michael. He sees little Y/D/N/N as his own and I'm very thankful for that. "Hi mikey!!" Y/D/N giggled and ran up to hug him. He smiled and lifted her up and kissed her cheek. "Hey cutie, and hello beautiful" he smiled and kissed my cheek. I blushed and kissed him. He tensed a little but kisses back awkwardly. Weird. The rest of the day went okay and right now I was brushing my teeth for sleep. When I was done, I went to mine and Michael's shared room and saw him laying on the bed already. He seemed to be in a deep thought. "Hi" I said as I layed down next to him and cuddled his side. He smiled softly. It Was silent for a moment. "I'm gay" he said. "What?" I asked. "That's why i haven't been kissing you much, that's why i have felt uncomfortable to be with you for the last days, I am gay" he said seriously and started crying. "Michael oh my god" i squealed and hugged him. "I'm so proud of you for coming out" I said. "You're not mad? I mean I basically broke up with-" "you broke up with me for a good reason and how the fuck can I be mad? You did what you think is right for you and I couldn't be more prouder!" I smiled. He pulled me in a hug and held me for a while. "But I cheated on you with Ashton for two months" he said. "MASHT-" "shh there is a sleeping child next door" he giggled. "Mashton is real!!! Iiih" i squealed and started to fangirl, quietly. He laughed. "Oh god, fangirls" he said while I continued babbling about how Mashton is real.

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