Michael imagine

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Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to you Sara happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuu* i heard my family sing. I opened my eyes and sat up.

- Goodmorning to you too! I giggled. It was my 17h birthday and as jusal i begin asken by my beautiful and talented family singing to me. I love them so much and i have no idea were i would be if they were not so nice and carefully plus playfull as me. My family is not just my family. We are all bestfriends and we help each other trough problems.

- Happy birthday baby girl! My dad said and kissed my fourhead then gave me a small Box. I opened it and there i found a beautiful necklaid who got"I love you* on it. I gasped and hugged him.

- i love you too Thank youuuuuuuuuuuu! I said playfully. All of us laughed and the next one was from my Mother. It was a medium sized Box. I opened it and there was a MacBook pro and a letter. I opened he letter and from it fell tickets... To One Ditection! I began to cry and freaked out becouse there were backstage pass to and the sits were on the front row! I jumped on my mom and dad and hugged them, then the last one was from my brother but he was'nt home in another week becouse he is on tour with his bandmates. Yes, he is on the band that is called 5 Seconds of Summer. Michael Clifford. I opened the little Box and there were a braselet who got an I love my sister' on. I began to tear up and as soon as i took it up a little letter fell of it, it read: open you're closet. Hope you like it! ;)* i tan up to my closet and opened it and there stood he. My brother that i havent seen in 6 months standing there. I screamed of joy and jumped in his arms. He lifted me up bit ended up falling to the ground but we were still hugging each other and i was crying. We pulled back and he helped me up.

- YOU LIAR I THOUGHT YOU WOULDNT COME FOR ANOTHER WEEK! I screamed playfull. It got silent but we ended up everyone laughing at my reaction.

- sorry, I just missed you so much! I said and hugged him once. Suddenly the door swing opened and the other bandmates came in singing happy birthday with presents. I laughed at them and jumped in Their arms too. They are like my other brothers and my parents love them as Their own kids so my parents let them call them mom and dad. It's pretty cute. After the little party of joy in my room we all went down and had breakfast and fun but ended up with cake fight. After the fun i needed to get ready for my concert. Michael was going with me as long as he knew the boys. This is the best birthday i've ever had! End.

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