BSM: He ignores you and you get mad/sad part 2

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You could'nt believe it. Your own siblings really said something like that to you. You trew your self on your bed and cried. Cried becouse they hate you. Cried becouse you still loved them but they hated you. Cried becouse you were heartbroken. You walked up to the bathroom and took out a razor. "My life is a living hell, i do not deserv to love anymore" i wispered and just as you were going to cut the door opened and there stood Luke amd as soon as he saw you he dropped the chocolade ask and three roses and ran over to you. He took your razor and trew it across the room and hugged you tightly. "Don't even think about it. Don't ever think about doing it, im sorry, so so sorry please forgive me. I love you so much and i as a jerk that agreed with that little shit." He said with a shaky voice and tears streamed down his face. "I-i'm sorry, i-i love you t-too Luke" you sobbed. He kissed your head. I-i forgive you Lukey" You sobbed. He sighed and kissed your cheek and carried you to your bedroom. He layed you down and went to the bathroom again and came back with the roses and chocolade again and put them on your night stand. When he was done he went to the otherside of your bed and layed down next to you and pulled you to his chest. "Get some sleep sis, i will be here when you wake up" he said. You nodded and let the sleep take over.

There was suddenly a knock on your door after one hour crying and heartbreak. "C-come in" you sobbed. Ashton came in and you curled up in a bad in fear he would hit you again. "No no no baby i'm not going to hurt you" he hushed and walked slowly over to you. "B-but Y-you huwt me" you sobbed, he walked over to you and picked you up slowly to his chest. He kissed your head. "I'm sorry baby girl, i did'nt mean to, i was just having a bad day. I promies i did'nt mean anything i did to you, i love you pumpkin" he said and kissed my cheek. You rested my hesd to his chest and cried, "i l-love Y-you t-t-too" you sobbed. "Now" he dried the tears with his hands" let's have a Tea party!" He cheered. You giggled and cheered along and both had a nice party but ended up singing and having fun.

It's been a day and Michael is gone. You were beyond worried even if he bough that shit and yelled st you for nothing. Suddenly there was a knock on your door. "Come in" you stuttered, yes you were crying becouse you were worried and sad. "Hey" you heard Michaels voice say. You turned quickly to him and your face lit up. You jumped off the bed and ran up to his arms and cried. "M-Michael Y-you oh god i-i was s-so w-worried something B-bad ha-ppened" you sobbed, he stroke your back softly. "Shh i'm here now, im sorry i was a dick and i'm sorry i did'nt listen on you when you said she was a slut and just used me for fame and that i never spend time with you" he said, his voice cracking at the end. You hugged him tighter. "It's okay mikey, i forgive you, i can never stay mad at you becouse i love you" you said and looked up at him. He had tears streaming down his face. You wiped them away and hugged him once again. "I'm so so sorry and i love you too little sis" he said and kissed your head. The rest of the day you both ended up cuddling snd watching Disney movies and just had a great brother and sister time.

The next morning you woke up with burning eyes. Of course, you cried your self to sleep soo. You turned around to hug your Teddy bear that was always next to you but when you turned around you saw Calum lying there Looking at you with tears in his eyes and a weak smile. Your eyes whidned and you jumped quickly off the bed, afraid if he was going to hit you and yell at you again, but he got you and pulled you to his chest and hugged you. "I'm so so sorry i never meant to hit you or yell at you i swear i was just having a really bad day and i ended up blowing out my anger at you, no you are not a mistake and i love you more than i will ever love anyone" he said and a tear fell off his eyes. You sat there not knowing what to do when you finally wiped away his tear. He looked at you and smiled, you smiled back. "I lob you caly i never hate you i lub you, sissy always lub you eve i scared" you said. He giggled and kissed your fourhead. "I loooooove you even more, now, let's go make some breakfast if mommy has'nt done that yet" he smiled, "yay!" You cheered and both went down for breakfast.

PART TWOOOO! Hope you liked this part! Love every single one of you who reads this book! LOVE LOVE A LOT OF LOVE FROM MEEEEEE BYEEE 💖

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