Luke Imagine

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Requested imagine idea by @carlyp3112

"hey sexy! why you out on this time?" a drunk man yelled from the other side of the street. i looked down and started to walk faster. "hey! don't run away like that! come back bitch!" he called and ran to me. i started to run, scared of what would happen next. "Bitch!" he yelled as he got my arm and dragged me with him to the alley that was right next us. he pushed me down so i fel on my back. i groaned as i felt a sharp pain go tough my lower back. he pulled on my hair so i sat up a bit. he hit me a few times and there was something i did not exept would happen. he raped me. i was still a virgin though so the man i absoloutly hate or no a stranger just took my v-card. he left me numb on the ground. after ten minutes of laying on the ground, weak. i finally pulled my self up again and put my ripped clothes on. i started to walk thowards mine and my older borhters house with pain all over my body. as i reached the house, i saw another car parked outside the house. dang it, the boys are here. i walked quietly in and ran upstirs. thank god they did'nt notice me so i went to take a long shower. i was probably in there for an hour until there was a knock on the bathroom door. i had already wahed my self a few times so i turned the shower off and got out. i wraped a towel on my hair and body. "hurry up miss hemmings! you've bewn in there for an hour!" i heard luke, my older brother yell. i sighed and felt a lump on my throat. "okay!" i yelled abit shaky in the voice. i put on new clothes and threw my clothes away cause they will only bring he horrible memory back.

i blow dryed my hair and then pulled it in a high pony tail. i had black leggings and one of lukes tees on. i walked out with the cothes in my hands and went out side and threw them on the garbage can. i sighed and wlaked back inside. i went to the kitchen and when i got there, i saw the boys eating pizza. "hey mini hemmo, want some?" michael asked. i nodded and fake smiled. i ate two slices and while i was eating i started to think. shoud i tell them. what wil happen if i tell them? will they still see me as a normal human or will they be discousted? i felt a tear slide down my cheek. i was looking down so they didnt see me but boy i was wrong. "hey, whats wrong?" Ashton asked and put a hand on my back. i flinched. "im sorry" i heard him mutter under his breath. i sighed and put my head on my hands and started to cry. i couldnt hold them anymore. enough. "hey hey hey, whats wrong? dont cry" ashton spoke again and stroke my head. i didn't flich this time. i let him. it was'nt his fault after all. "i-if i t-tell y-you y-you will h-hate m-m-me and never want me h-here" i sobbed. "no no no why would we babe? come on tell us, we just want to help" Calum said. i took a deep shaky breath and spilled it out. "i got raped on my way here about three hours ago. im sorry i'm just gonna go pack instead of having you yelling at me and other crap." i said and stood up, but ash pulled me down again but he pulled me on his chest. i was still crying, non stop. "wh-what?" luke said softly. "you heard me. i was raped by a stranger." i said. "no no no you're kidding right?" he said. "why would i?" i said now yelling a bit. he tooka deep breath and ran his fingers trough his hair. "fuck" michael said. "im sorry" calum said and pulled me in to a hug. "it wasnt your fault cal" i sobbed. i felt a hand on on shoulder so i pulled away from the hug and saw luke standing with tears. i hugged him tightly and cried in to my brothers chest. "im sorry girl" he said and stroke my back. "unfair everyone got a hug but me!" i heard michael say. i laughed a little and went to hug the red haired boy. i hugged him tightly. he started to stroke my head and back and kissed my head a few times. michael have always been like another brother to me and luke, i see him more like a dad now that ive been living with him for four years. the other two are also like brothers but more like weird bestfriends. "i love you guys" i said as i pulled away from the hug. "we love you even more mini hemmings" calum smiled and we made a group hug. luke kissed my cheek and then head. "love you sis" he said. "love you too bro"

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