Luke imagine

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"AAAAAAAAAHH DA HELL"i screamed from the bathroom. There Was a cockroach in the bathroom and i Was just Going to take my makeup out. Ben came rushing in with luke and jack following behind. "Whats- EWW" Jack said and made a face as he saw it. Ben began to laugh but Jack and luke where as terrifited as i am. I jumped away and run over to Jack and Luke and stod tight in togheter. "Ben, kill it!" I said. "Why?" He jocked. "CouSE its discousting!" Luke yelled. "Yeah you idiot kill it! Or at least TAKE IT OUT!" Jack said. He started to laugh and picked it up. He came closer to us. "B-ben. No!" I said. "Haha its not dangerous! It doesnt do anything, see?" He smiled. "But it Scares us!" I said. He came closer and i backed until i hit the Wall. "Ben s-stop" i said. "Ben" Jack warned. He moved it Off me and walked in to the bathroom. We heard something before a flush. He came out later and pulled me in to a hug. "Idiot" i muttered. "Luv you tooooooo" he said and squezed me before walking in to his room. Jack Luke and i stood silent. "So...anyone up for starbucks?" I said.

It Was silent again but we all brust out in to a fit of laughter. "Yeah, lets go and dont even bother to change or make up shit" Luke said. We agreed and Went to his car and drove to starbucks. We were all in sweet pants and I wore one of Lukes T-Shirt. I was without make up and my hair was in a messy bun. When we got there we got out and ordered coffe. When our drinks came we sat behind a table and drank them while laughing and talking. "So guys I need to tell you something." Luke said suddenly. "What's up dude? Did you finally get a girlfriend?" Jack jocked and me and him laughed while luke just rolled his eyes. "No...imgoingontournextweekforthreemonths" he rambled on. "Sorry?" I said. "I'm going on your next week" he said. Jack and I froze. "W-what?" "For how long?" We asked. "Three months" he said. I felt tears in my eyes, ready to spill. "Uh, i.. I'm just Going to the park or something, bye" i said and stormed out side and Went to the nearest park. It Was getting dark and cold but i couldnt care less. He just came back from Six months and now he is Going for three months again? "SARAH! THERE YOU ARE!" I heard Luke yell.

He came over and tried to hug me bur i didn't Let him. "Whats wrong?" He asked. "You just came back from Six months tour and its only been a week and now you are Going back for three more months?" I sobbed. "I'm sorry, but its my Job" he frowned. "But I'm your sister. ben and Jack is your brothers." I said. "I'm sorry" he said as his voice cracked. "But why are you sorry? I Thought it Was your Job?" I said. Okay now i feel slefish. He started to cry. No, i Hate to see him cry. "Luke" i said. "I'm sorry Sarah, i never asked for doing it but i can't help it. I'm sorry. I've missed you so much and the reason i didn't tell you is becouse of this." He said. I leaned ib and wraped my arms around his torso and hugged him. "Luke, dont cry, I'm sorry i Was just selfish and upset" i said and rubbed his back. "I'm so so sorry" he said again and kissed my head. "Please just stop crying and lets go home and have a family time." I said. "By the way, dont be sorry, its not your fault. C'mon where is the smile of yours?" I asked. He giggled and i smiled.

"There is that smile!" I smiled. "I'm sorry once again and yeah, lets go and have a family time with the other idiots" he said. I giggled and nodded. We got in to his car and drove back home. When we got in Jack and ben came rushing out and attacked us. "Dont ever run away ever again!" Jack said. "Yeah yeah just Let me go Jacky" i giggled. He frowned and pouted. "You heard her Jacky" ben jocked. "Whatever Benny" he shoot back. They Both walked away frowning. "Dorks" i muttered. Luke laughed and agreed. We spend the rest of the night Messing around until mom and dad came home and well...they Were pretty happy to see us Messing around but not when se saw the candy and popcorn on the floor...ops.



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