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"Shh.. We will wake them up if we don't be quite!" I heard Luke say. I woke up by hearing straing noises from down stairs so i went to check it but nothing was there so i went to the kitchen to drink something and i suddenly heard people talking. It sounded like Luke and a girl. I pecked a bit from th kitchen door go see Luke over a girl. Both of them Making out. With only underwears. I felt a tear slip down my face as my heart dropped and fell down to my stomach. How could he? I thought he loved me. I walked in to the Livingroom and they still had'nt noticed me yet. I suddenly felt 3 hands on each shoulder of mine. I turned around quietly to not destroy Their moment and saw Ashton, Luke and Michael standing there with angry mixed with sadness and disapointed faces. I turned back to Luke and the girl looked actually a lot like Calums girlfriend. "Guess what? You just did!" I said. They stopped from what they were doing and i was right. It was cals girlfriend. "You know all these times you said you loved me to death i actually believed you but now i see that everything was just a simple lie." I said and stormed up to out shared bedroom, took everything and walked down again. "I'm not saying sorry becouse i wont regret it so Luke Robert Hemmings. We are officially done and i hope u dumb slut get a better fucking brain to think with after you crushed calums poor heart." I said and stormed out of of the "5SOS hous".


"Y/N?" I heard my boss say. "Yes?" "U can go home if u want, I'm closing early today becouse my wife is in the hospital and i need to get there so i will see you next week! U have 3 days Off becouse u deserv it! So come on i think someone is waiting for u too there home sweetie! I will take the rest okay?" "Okay thank u love u" i said and hugged him as i took my purse and walked out to my car. I drove home and Was totally exited to tell Michael the news! I stepped out of the car and Went to the front door. I opened the door and stepped in. "Mikey! I'm home baby!" I said. I heard weird noises from upsairs so i ran up nervous. I opened the door to see something i never in a milion years thought about to see. A random girl and Michael Was having sex. Oh god this is not,Gosh no. "Wow. All these 3 years i Thought good about you but now i see your just another heartbreaker just like my exes. " i said, tears swolling up in my eyes. "Y-Y/n i swear no please I'm sorry please" "save it" i spat. I ran downstairs and stormed in to my car and drove away.


"ASHTON!" I shouted trought the loud music. Me and ashton Went to a party and he Was with me all the time but i can't find him when i would go and take a drink. I keept looking until i saw two couples making out in the corner. I walked closer becouse the boy looked alot like ash. I walked closer and saw who they Were. It Was Ashton and one of my friends. Oh my. "What the fuck?" I said and pulled them apart. They looked at me with wide eyes."No no Y/n its not what u think it looks like-"" it looks like that you two Were eating each others faces!" I said and stormed away from them and stormed out of the club.


Ugh what is taking him so long, i i thought. Me and my boyfriend calum Was supose to meet up in this fanicy resturan becouse it Was our 2 years aniversiry and he still had'nt showed up jet. I looked out of the big window and saw two people walking hand in hand. The boy Was Nice dressed while the girl had an Nice flowered dress. They walked in and i couldnt believe who i saw. It Was calum and a blonde with pink dipdyed hair girl. They Were probably Talking about an table becouse they got one and it Was infront of mine. Ha, we'll see how long this relasionship can hold. I stood up and took my glass of water and walked to him. "Hello Calum. Are you having fun? Becouse what i just understod is that you and i is officielly done baby, hope u and your new slut have a fun night when u actually ruined our 2 years aniversiry. " i spat and took all the water in his head. After what i did i stormed out of the resturan with a few people still looking at us.

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